A few observations at the local courthouse


New member
I tagged along with a lawyer friend this morning while he tied up some loose ends in the hopes we could sneak off to do some shooting. While at the courthouse I was introduced and had a cup of coffee with the County Sheriff for the first time. He is a big, friendly man not past his prime, but obviously an experienced lawman with instructor credentials. The size of his two young deputies was a reminder of how physical the job must get. Casual conversation indicated to me he much supported concealed carry. Everyone in the office carried a locked and cocked .45. Upstairs I met the DA, a busy lady who was still very approachable, but I suspect wouldn't tolerate much bs. I got the impression she was fairly neutral on concealed carry but definitely not against it. In the lobby, we bumped into a judge in too much of a hurry to talk. Over his shoulder was what looked like a large Bagmaster with a couple of gun publications in the side pocket. I was informed he is an active IDPA shooter and has a range just off his living room. Back at the office I learned the attractive receptionist at the front desk was carrying. Dang wedding ring! :) All in all an enjoyable and informative morning.

[This message has been edited by G-Freeman (edited November 12, 1999).]
Thanks Correia, Ya know it is. It is a nice place to live. Like most folks, a trip to the courthouse involves jury duty at best or the odd traffic ticket or at the worst, divorce. It was very nice to put a face and handshake on these names and get a gut feeling about them. I recommend it to anyone.
Pistol packing judge, armed receptionist, tough DA...what a county! Betcha the jurors share above average intelligence unlike the flatliners who live in my area.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Go to our County Courthouse, you go past metal detectors, unfriendly Court House Security (part of the Sheriff's Dept, the sheriff is a political hack that was appointed after the prior sheriff (a worse hack) died, and the prosecutor is anti CCW, except for those in the "IN CROWD." There are maybe two Circuit Court Judges that are pro-gun. One I know of has stated and has ruled against the County Concealed Weapons Board when they denied CCW's.

Trade ya' counties.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
When I took my first defensive handgun class, there were a couple of judges taking the class together, for CCW purposes. I think they said they were from Alameda county, CA.
Sounds like the old United States of America. Havent seen that place in years. Living in Maryland is close now to the old soviet union. All counties reflect the central regime in ANNapolis.