A feather in Remington's cap!

Wow, did you read on about the new record setting score??? That's like a precision machine shooting a precision machine.
Did you notice the record-setting team had two females? And that they both posted perfect scores. It was two male shooters who dropped points. So much for equality :)
berettaprofessor comments:
Did you notice the record-setting team had two females? And that they both posted perfect scores. It was two male shooters who dropped points. So much for equality.
It's not equality in Sherri's case, it's the gene pool and DNA chain. Plus the skills and knowledge passed on and from her Mom, sister and stepdad.

Sherri won the Nationals recently setting a record score dropping only 4 points out of 2400. Her Mom's won the Nationals, too. Her sister Michelle won the World Long Range Championships a few years ago. All three of these women hold several National records in high power competition.

Sherri's stepdad's won the Nationals 6 times and also holds and has held many National records.
Yes, OldDav, you missed the point that it was about equality between the sexes as mentioned in berettaprofessor's earlier post.
Interesting long range caliber, I was not familiar with it...
Less powder than the WSM, and similar velocities...should be better for barrel life. How much, I wonder...
here is clip from what BB posted

“Any Sights / Any Rifle” competition using bolt guns chambered for the 7mm Remington Short-Action Ultra-Magnum (RSAUM), and fitted with Nightforce scopes. Coach Praslick says the USAMU is very pleased with the performance of the 7mm RSAUM: “Our 7mms can deliver very tight vertical spreads at 1000 yards.” Praslick also praised the work of USAMU armorers who build the rifles and load the ammo for USAMU teams: “We’ve got world-class gunsmiths. That’s our advantage. All the guns are tested at distance with match ammunition. We can count on the guns and the ammo to perform shot after shot. This is a big confidence builder for our USAMU shooters.”

When you have rifles build like the above and custom ammo and have a choice of shooters (Army supply's them) or they may of recruited them also unlimited funding (taxpayer's) what does caliber have to do with it.
Granted, caliber is not the overriding consideration.
But certainly relevant.

Otherwise, why not just shoot .308...
the second part about service rifle was also super impressive, iron sight, same distance? all within MOA!

And shooting in general is very equal, probably just social unequality that has held women back, the olympic shooting were coed before, and I believe the olympic skeet record is held by a female,
Husqvarna mentions:
the second part about service rifle was also super impressive, iron sight, same distance? all within MOA!
Note the service rifles put about half as many shots inside the 10-inch X-ring on that 1000 yard target. And the scoped bolt guns dropped only 3 points while the service rifles dropped 46. Some of the service rifles probably put a shot or two in the 8-ring which extends from 33 inches to 44 inches in diameter; the 9-ring goes from 20 inches out to 30 inches diameter. It's hard to get exactly the same sight alignment and sight picture using a post front sight and an aperture rear for each and every shot. And those service rifles have at least a 4.5 pound trigger while the bolt guns can have any safe pull weight; they're usually in the 3 to 5 ounce range.
tobnpr comments:
Interesting long range caliber, I was not familiar with it...Less powder than the WSM, and similar velocities...should be better for barrel life. How much, I wonder...
I doubt barrel life will be any different; it burns the same amount of powder per shot.
30Cal believes:
It's the archer, not the arrow. Also helps that they shoot year round.
The US Army Rifle Team feels it's the arrow. Here's why.

Not too many years ago, there was an increase in the number of 7.62 NATO chambered Garands on the firing line at the Nationals' 1000 yard matches. And a few active duty and retired US Navy team members were shooting them posting higher scores than what the 5.56 NATO round did. Those converted Garands were used to win some 1000 yard matches at the Nationals. And reviewing scores shot with both M1's and M1A's and the M16 variants, the 22 caliber rounds didn't fare as well as the 30 caliber ones at long range.

So, the US Army Marksmanship Unit got fed up with the poor performance of the best M16 variants' 22 caliber pipsqueak round at 1000 yards. They were able to convince the NRA to allow the AR-10 rifle to be designated a service rifle and it's now covered in the NRA High Power Rule Book. The USAMU didn't have any more M14NM's worth rebuilding that would shoot as accurate as the AR-10. And they were sick and tired of old Garands kicking the butts of their new-fangled mouse guns.

Note that NRA rules state the AR-10's barrel length has to be 20 inches long. Which, to me, means the USAMU's using loads with higher peak pressures than SAAMI or MIL SPEC standards say. Recent information indicates that approximately 45 gr. of Varget is being used with the Berger 185 LR gr. bullets out of a 1:10″ twist barrel. The match results indicate this load is very accurate and remains supersonic at 1000 yards out of AMU prepared AR 10 rifles. While suitable for limited military match use this load is far too hot for general service adoption. Note that 45 grains of Varget is about the norm maximum load for the 155-gr. Palma bullet in the .308 Win. case.

The US military rifle teams have been using ammo in competition producing proof-test peak pressures in the 7.62 NATO round at about 65,000 CUP (81,000 PSI) since the 1960's, so this ain't anything new. M14 and M1 rifles handle these pressures very well. . . .if their op rod's bent and fit to tight specs in each rifle's gas system.
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According to this, more efficient than the WSM, and can burn less powder for equivalent velocity;


Case Efficiency, Charge Weight and Barrel Life
The 7mm SAUM case holds 7.4 grains less powder than does the 7mm WSM, but the 7mm SAUM has proven to be more efficient than Winchester's short magnum. This means you can almost match the velocities of the 7mm WSM (with the same bullets) using slightly less powder. Using identical powders and the same bullets, Steven Ikeda has found that his 7mm SAUM can match 7mm WSM "book load" velocities with about 7% less powder. In all respects, that's a good thing. Short Magnums are "overbore" cases with notoriously short barrel lives. Burning less powder should give the 7mm SAUM a barrel-life advantage over the 7mm WSM, and of course, the SAUM costs a bit less to feed. Plus powder charge weight does figure into felt recoil, so a 7mm SAUM will exhibit slightly less recoil than a 7mm WSM running the same bullet at the same speed.
"they were sick and tired of old Garands kicking the butt of their new-fangled mouse guns"... Ah yes history repeats itself! In 1879, when the British adopted the new Martini-Henry .577/.450 rifle, they soon found that the older .577 Snider was more accurate at long range..caused somewhat of a scandle in the government.
When the U.S. army adopted the new .30-03..they found that the older
.30-40 Krag beat them at long range. Their answer? The krag was not permitted to compete against the new Springfield. It wasn't until the 06' round came out that the Krags accuracy was bettered. The more things change..the more they stay the same!
Ideal Tool mentions:
When the U.S. army adopted the new .30-03..they found that the older .30-40 Krag beat them at long range. Their answer? The krag was not permitted to compete against the new Springfield. It wasn't until the 06' round came out that the Krags accuracy was bettered.
At the 1902 Palma Matches in Canada, the US Palma Team had 6 members using the .30-40 Krag and 2 using prototype 30 caliber rifles based on the Mauser 98 action design (royalties were paid to Mauser). It shot 220-gr. 30 caliber bullets out at 2300 fps and later would be dubbed the M1903 and the cartridge was the .30-03. They didn't shoot as accurate as the Krags and the US team lost the match. The team from Great Britain won the match with their .303's.

In 1903, the United States team again used the Krag-Jorgensen in the Palma Matches in Great Britian, but with different bore dimensions. The rifles were barreled by legendary persnickety gunsmith Harry Pope and used a rifling twist and bore configuration that was not the same as the issue rifle. As a result, although the United States bested the Brits by a 15 point margin, the match victory was under a shadow because the United States used rifles that did not meet service rifle specifications. Not wishing to damage the reputation of the match the United States returned the Palma Trophy to Great Britain. The British refused to claim a victory, and simply held it until the next Palma.

The .30-40 Krag with standard service barrels was again used by the US Palma Team to win the 1907 Palma match held in Canada; they were more accurate than what any of the M1903's .30-06's could produce at the time. It wasn't until 1912 that the US Palma Team used M1903's with the .30-06 cartridge.
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