A & E TV Special "Guns in America" 5 hours

I guarantee it will be an anti gun showing with all kinds of bias. Wait till they get to the militia part of the show. It will prove conclusivly that guns should be outlawed. Anyone want to place bets?

What we need is TRUE EQUALITY OF THE MEDIA so everyone has a voice....not the government, not the few liberals who control the media at present! EQUAL RIGHTS!!!! EQUAL MEDIA!! It's time to champion this cause to protect whatever little is remaining of our rights!!!

[This message has been edited by Frank Haertlein (edited June 26, 1999).]
The preview I saw showed two images.
1) A child shooting a gun
2) A woman purchasing an "assault" weapon.

Based on this, I'm sure it will be quite balanced.....NOT!
I will be on the road most of the week. If someonewould be kind enough to tape this series, I'll be happy to pay for the blanks and postage.
A&E has done several "Guns in America" type specials in the past. The shows have been less antigun than you might expect. That is not to say the shows haven't had a guns are bad slant, just that I have seen some positive information about guns on some of the shows. A&E's "History of the Gun" series wasn't biased against guns and was in fact quite accurate.

May your lead always hit center mass and your brass always land in your range bag.

Bill Kurtis who is from Chicago is the host
of Investigative Reports. He is pretty level headed most of the time, He was interviewed on local radio and said that there is a "deep love of guns in this Country" and people are not going to give them up, how they will fight to keep them. He also said he was in the service, pretty sure he said he was a Marine. The show will most definately take a dip into B.S. when they are with Mayor Dickhead Daley and spend a night in Cook County Hospital waiting for gunshot victims.
In Chicago there has been a handgun ban since 1982 or 83. In 1998 Chicago was the Murder capital of the World!.


You got it.


I think the series you're referring to was on the History Channel. Very good show.
I'll have to give them a chance. i usually like A&E. They can't be half as bad as all the biased crap on the big "three", ABC, NBC & CBS.
Hey Rich, If you happen to to see a Red headed Bi (opps) witch flying a broom... well shooooooT that's my ex-wife! :D
Anyway have a good trip to Arizona !
Tiro per divertimento, tiro per la sopravvivenza

[This message has been edited by Bushwhacker (edited June 27, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Bushwhacker (edited June 27, 1999).]
So quit your complaining and tell A&E what you think of their programing and then tell their sponsors. Here's where http://www.aande.com/feedback /

Naturally, when one is intensely interested in a certain cause, the tendency is to associate particularly with those who take the same view. THEODORE ROOSEVELT “1899”
Thanks, Tim.
If you'd like, I'll email you my last letter to A&E regarding their biography of Tim McVeigh and guilt, by association, of all firearms owners.

I'd prefer to hold off the next written complaint until after I see the show.
Rich Lucibella
I've read the outline for each show during the five days. I can guarantee it will be biased as hell with maybe a few morsels of pro-gun thrown in to affect a phony sense of "objectivity." Bill Kurtis is as anti-gun as they come. I've watched him demonize them, connect them only with LEO's or BG's - never with a law abiding citizen, and mislabel them (showing a Tec 9 and calling it an Uzi, etc.). It's agenda time for the media, folks. Watch your backs.

Safe shooting - PKAY
Rich, A & E usually sells tapes of these programs. Most likely they will sell a boxed set of all five episodes. They usually announce the tapes at the end of the show, and give a number to call. They do this for all of their programs, Might be better quality than a tape from the TV.
While "evesdropping" over on Cas-l I read where "Aimless Annie" had taken a NY mdeia type to Fredriksburg, TX. last year to a Cowboy Action Shoot where they filmed for eight hours. At the time they had said it was being done for a documentary to be aired later. Now she said she's hearing rumors that the CAS tape has been edited to approximately six minutes and that it is all very anti gun.
It will be a shame if that's the case as I've thought for some time that CAS is the best arena for gun owners to promote our private gun ownership. It probably has the most positive image that we can project for good wholesome family fun involving firearms.
I reckon we'll all know here in about 30 minutes after which I suspect this thread is going to get VERY busy.
Does any body else find it ironic that they are showing Hestons biography immediately before airing the first segment?


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
Well the 1st show wasn't too bad. They did fail to mention that Congressman Bobby Rush from Chicago was a Black Panter leader in the late 60's and now he votes against the gun every chance he gets. I feel that the first 2 parts are going to be as pro gun as the media will allow, then starting with the wed. show in Chicago it's going to be filled with all the BS and anti gun for the rest of the week. I hope that I'm way off on this.

I thought it was very pro-gun. Large segment on CAS. Good interview with owner of American Derringer whose son was killed in a firearm accident, many comments by Larry Craig, and John Lott, even statements by Randy Weaver.
Rifleman. I agree. Unfortunately I missed the fisrt 15 minutes of it, but it will be rerun at 10 PM tonight, so I'll catch it there.
The thing that got my goat was thatSenator from Idaho trashing the militia. When are those idiots lawmakers going to learn the history and laws of our country?
I had a list of the E-mail addresses of all those bums, but I can't find it right now. No problem, I'll snail mail the idiot and give him a history lesson.
Paul B.