A & E part two the NRA


New member
Well, does anyone out there who watched this supposedly "unbiased" piece of trash still think we will be treated failry by the media.

Seemed to me to be an hour of Sarah Brady and that jerk from HCI attacking the NRA.

Lots of the same misinformation that we usually get from the Media.

Was particularly disappointed by the comments from Suffolk County (NY) legislator George Guldi. He was given considerable help from the local NRA because of his support for local CCW. They even ran his election office and helped him defeat a republican. Now he makes derogatory comments about the NRA. Can't trust a Democrat, they are what they are. Of course the Republicans in this part of the country are no bargain either.

For those of you who still won't join the NRA, I hope you paid attention to the comments from Sarah and co. They intend to destroy our second amendment rights by destroying and demonizing the NRA.

This program definitely wasn't equal time. The media still does not get it, the NRA did not kill those children in Columbine or in Oklahoma City. We are in a serious fight for the hearts and minds of the american people, and A & E wants us to loose.
I just watched the show. I couldn't agree more. I particularly liked the comments from Ex-Senator Metzenbaum. He calmly told us how they don't want to take our guns away, just limit the size and availibility of them. I can only imagine who would be on his elite list of legal gun owners.

I wonder how easily he would give up his right to bear arms if he lived in one of the high crime neighborhoods that infect America these days.

I am coming to believe that in the great food chain of life, some politicians outrank child molesters by only the narrowest of margins.


When the world is at peace, a gentleman keeps his sword by his side....... Sun-Tzu 400 B.C.
you're right K80Geoff,

How about when Kurtis mention that "80 Branch Davidians all died in the fire. Not one mention that there were somewhere around 23 kids (please post correct number) that were torched by Janet Reno & friends. More kids burned that day than all the school shootings.

And what the Hell is wrong with Heston and the NRA not taking what little TV media they can get to try and get a decent word in. We should e-mail the NRA and let them know that we were let down by that choice. They want us to e-mail our reps, well that means that they also must be accountable.

It's going to get much uglier this week.


[This message has been edited by rifleman (edited June 29, 1999).]
The most interesting revelation to me was Sarah Brady admitting that she called the NRA and said it was her life's goal to put them out of business and then she called HCI. Quite a big difference from being inspired by her husband's being shot to end gun violence.

I was, obviously, disappointed in the A&E show demonizing the NRA, but I think that tomorrow night will be even worse....

Gentlemen. After watching the A&E farce, then divesting myself of dinner, I wrote a very long diatribe (politely) to Bill Kurtiss and very nicely told him what I
thought of the fairness of his production. (Felt like asking him if he was Geobbels reincarnated.) Read my post on the RULES OF REVOLUTION. Think long and hard about what is said in those "rules"
Most of you people have ignored it, but the handwriting was on the wall in 1919 when those rules were written. Look at what they say about the media, although they call it by another name.
Look at how they plan to corrupt our kids, our morals. You have to remember, there was no TV in 1919. They didn't have the notion of how quickly it could be used to "convince" the people to their way of thinking.
Notice that their final rule calls for the total disarmament of the population.
All this stuff just makes me sick to my soul.
You're right. It's only going to get worse.
Paul B.
This is exactly what will happen in this country. It will become a kind of a "caste system" where only the privledged elite will be able to own firearms.

I almost wish that I will be around when a wholesale push for curbs on freedom of the press is instituted and get to "watch the show".

These same fools in the news media are so fond of pointing to England for justification on their anti-gun views should remember they have restrictions on the press also(liable laws)

They threw us a bone last night, now here comes the propaganda.

[This message has been edited by Contender (edited June 29, 1999).]
If anyone cares, here is a copy of what I sent to the NRA. Bill Kurtis is next to get a letter. http://www.aetv.com/cgi-bin/aetv-user.cgi?a=017

This is a complaint:

I want to let Mr. Heston & Wayne LaPierre know how disappointed I was in the decision not take up Investigative Reports offer and let Mr. Heston be interviewed. You may say that we would be edited out of context and not look good anyway. Well I must say that you look much worse by having Bill Kurtis report that the NRA has turned down several offers to appear on the program.

I am a member of the NRA so that I have a voice. That a regular person with modest means can have someone represent me & my beliefs in things that I hold very close to my heart. Then to hear that you refused to take an offer of free media time to try and get the word out. If Mr. Heston and I must say that I have the utmost repeat for him, can not or does not want to be in the hot seat then it is time to past the torch of freedom to someone else.

I don't agree with allot of the way the NRA compromises on the 2nd Amendment, but this was an opportunity for the NRA to say "What are you talking about, we have been compromising on key issues for years now. The anti-gun agenda needs a scapegoat for their lack of enforcing the 20,000 gun laws we already have compromised on. When will this stop, If they want total gun confiscation why don't they just come out and say it. They want to take the 2nd Amendment and tear it up. No matter if you are for the 2nd amendment or not, if they tear that one up and throw it in the garbage, The United States of America will soon follow. "

They did show some footage of Mr. Heston saying some of the above, but you need to say that as often as you can, just like Sarah Brady keeps saying the same things over and over again.

What has happened to the NRA and all the gun owners, nobody is willing to raise their voice and say what needs to be said.



[This message has been edited by rifleman (edited June 29, 1999).]
I, too, watched "Inside the NRA," and found that while it was "technically" fair, ie presenting both sides, it has a strong bias against NRA and, in my opinion, gun ownership in general. I was disappointed in that as others have mentioned, Brady, Metzenbaum, et al were given so much time and other stengths of NRA and gun ownership were just glossed over or dismissed. I was not happy at all with the program. Best.
Well I sent my complaint in, here it is:

I am an upstanding citizen in my community, a former elected representative of a large water agency in California, a businessman, a father, grandfather and a member of the NRA. I have taught all of my children to live honest good lives and to be patriotic citizens of this country.

I tend to watch A&E more hours in a week than any other programming. I am truely disappointed in the very biased program you have recently aired concerning the NRA. They intend to destroy our second amendment rights by destroying and demonizing the NRA. This program definitely was not equal time, although I now believe that it was never intended to be. Your programming and the production staff still does not get it, the NRA did not kill those children in Columbine or in Oklahoma City. I am the NRA, as are my neighbors, relatives, mechanics, teachers, doctors, lawyers, legislators, litterly millions of us. Your program is helping to polarize this nation. You are part of those who are placing the wedges in this countries future. You are wrong in slanting these programs the way you have done and staining the flag of liberty so proudly raised for over 200 years. I know you will throw this complaint in the trash, but that is OK, you now know that many of us do not appreciate this kind of trash...When you go against liberty...You go against your fellow citizens.

As far as I am now concerned, our country is in a serious fight for the hearts and minds of the american people. A&E is not the educational program center of excellence that I thought it was. It is sad, A & E has become like the rest of the media and is sinking this country.

If you care to send in a complaint, here is the address again, point & click:

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.
Did you happen to catch that almost all of the weapons shown on tonights show were so-called assault weapons from gun shows and militia meetings? I'm sure it was no accident that most of the gun sellers and shooters either looked para-military or could have played in the "Deliverance" movie. And I thought the kid handling a semi-automatic pistol at the gun show was a nice touch - for the anti-gunners.

NRA Member
If there is a bright spot to any of the A & E show it is this. Go to the message board they provided. The replies are over whelmingly in OUR favor. There are now several thousand messages and a great many of them are from non-gun owners who say that after watching this obviously biased show, are going to join the NRA! It was also pretty surprising how many non NRA, GOA, etc... people spoke out in favor of the 2nd. A good sign. Let's just hope that those same people will follow up by writing to their elected reps.
Immediately after Columbine the NBC affiliate in my area was doing yet another "special report."

Off-screen Announcer: "When we come back, The Guns of Columbine: A Special Report."

Film Footage: Belt-fed M60 spitting out hundreds, if not thousands, of rounds.

The poor sheeple who tuned-in would see this footage coupled with the extremely solemn voice of the announcer and think, "My, we've got to do SOMETHING for the children."

As I mentioned in another post, things like this would elicit belly-tickling laughter if it weren't all so tragic.

I suspect that A&E could be heading down that same sensationalistic path. I'll be sure to tune-in for Wednesday night.

Keep the faith,

~ Blue Jays ~
After watching part one on the gun enthusists I thought A&E might do a solid series on the issue, but it proved to be my overzealous optimism again. Shaft job deluxe last night.

Everytime Sarah Brady talks I just want to jam one of those nice oversized Dillon reloading presses down her throat!!! God she's irritating. Especially the part where she claimed HCI never asked anyone to give up their guns. I've READ the bills she help write! What a bald faced lie.

Heston should have spoken for us. Where was he? Why didn't he do an interview? Perhaps he was still recovering from his prostate cancer treatments. Then again, maybe it's my optimism again.

Needless to say, I'm missing parts three through five.

- Anthony
Yes, A&E did a number on us, all right. Same old media groupthink. Kurtis gives the anti-gunners free reign, but subtly undermines the credibility of pro-gunners with his commentary. Sickening, but, as my wife says, why should A&E be different from any other group of media elitists?
From Ivan8883 6-30-99 605PM EDT Just remember this. When the elites sat its "for the children",they really mean you and I. It is typical communist doublespeak. The masses are the children who must be controlled by oppresive lawsof all kinds;not just anti-gun laws. The elite politicos of both parties are the "parents" who know what is best for their "children". This is Civics I in the New World Order being created before our eyes.
Well, I thought Monday night's broadcast was actually biased to the 'pro-self defense / gun' side. But, I agree that last night's show was a grand slam against the NRA.

I suspect they started off on a positive note re: firearms to make it look evenhanded. I also suspect it will get steadily worse as the week goes on.

Did anyone else notice Sarah Brady's mental gymnastics? She stated HCI's usual lie, that they are 'not out to take guns away ... just want to impose reasonable restrictions'. Then, later she stated that the NRA is wrong about the 2nd Amendment, and that it is NOT an individual right.

So, let me see if I get this right: she doesn't believe we have a Constitutional right to possess arms (as individuals), but she would never want to take our guns away. Her lie is so obvious.