A dumb question from the newbie...

They are to keep doctors rich. When the gun jams it gives a place to grab and pull on the slide that puts part of your left hand in front of the muzzle where it is likely to get shot.... some people can use them "from behind" using the weak hand to rack the slide. But they are mostly for looks and getting newbies shot in the left hand....:D
Hey bountyh,

Sounds like you're doing your research the same place Handgun Control does. They use a lot if unfounded "If... Then..." assertions too.

Why don't you point us to some research showing vast numbersof newbies getting shot in the hand by using front serrations. Where would that be... www.toostupidtoownagun.com?

I like 'em...

I think the forward serrations are handy.
You can rack with rear serrations from behind (hand is behind the slide). In case of an AD there, the slide gets a big bite out of your hand. Not likely, i know, but hey, it could happen.
When racking rear of slide from the front, your weak hand covers the ejection port. If you do it this way with a full chamber, your hand could bounce the brass back into the chamber and jam. Not likely either, and annoying at worst.
Racking on the front serration with hand toward the front puts your weak hand in front of the muzzle. Bad.
Or you could grab the front serration with your hand to the rear, covering the top of the slide. No risks, and a good grip. Perfect!

Hi, i'm a forum newbie. :)
Welcome, even if I can't pronounce your handle! :D

Still trying to figure what the need for those serrations is, though. The thing ain't THAT slippery!
Hello Scix, welcome. It seems like I am welcoming somebody new every day. Doesn't take away from the sincerity though!

I think that proper hand placement is critical in using forward serrations, but that is just common sense. A lot of people never use slide stops, but I like having them.
Thanks everybody. Glad to be here. :)
Hoek: I guess I just have smooth fingers. I have a hard time getting enough friction to pull the slide without something to grip.

(By the way, it's just "Six", don't let the C throw you off. :))
DLL, listen to Shmackey on this one ... while they are partialy for looks, they are mostly there to make press checking easier (press checking is where you push or pull back the slide slightly so you can visualy inspect the chamber and verify whether its loaded ... something you should do EVERY TIME you pick up a gun)
Front Serrations

If you get close enough to the front serrations you will see small print that says "Bite here, pull trigger"


PS. DONT DO IT!!!!!!!:D
My guess is they are there for guns that have optics mouted, in which the mount for the optics covers some of the rear serrations.
They ugly though.

Like most improvements to John Moses Browning's design.

Oh, I forgot, before front serrations, there was no press checking. Back in my day (rant rant rant rave rave rave . . . )
Personal opinion: pretty much worthless. Why not grab it by the REAR serrations and pull back slightly? You know, the part where bullets don't come out of? :p