A dilemma


Staff Alumnus
OK, here's my newest quandary:

I'm looking to buy 6 pistols, 4 rifles, and 2 shotguns this year. I already know exactly what I want as regards make, model, etc.

So, the dilemma: do I buy them from private sellers, thus keeping them out of the registration system, or do I buy them from my dealer?

Small-time dealers, unlike Wally World and those others, have a pretty small profit margin, and they need all the help they can get. Unfortunately, that means filling out the Evil Yellow Form.


"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
While I like "free market" firearms, I also buy from my local gunsmith. Why not do both? if you can find what you want on the open market, buy it but if not buy from your gun shop.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Coin, you're already down as one who owns many firearms and purchases frequently, so who cares?

If you'd never purchased with the Form, it might matter. I'd support my dealer.
Shoot, I just wish I had your task Coinneach!
I don't think I've ever done 12 new guns in 12 months. I think I'll tell my wife you just started a pi$$ing contest and I had to jump on the bandwagon! If she calls, her name is Katie, you will back me up?



You're really taking this one gun a month thing seriously! Bravo.

I think I like Jim V's advice. A couple of the ones I have in mind I've only seen at the dealer, so she'll get my money for them. Most of the guns I have now are papered, so I guess adding a few more won't make much difference.

Yep, being single and having no other obsess...er, hobbies is nice. :)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
I don't see any harm in doing both, based upon your circumstances. If you find the right firearm used, from a private party, then so be it. Otherwise, buy new. And, if the sad day ever comes, then the 'papered' guns either go to Big Brother or were 'sold', and the 'non-papered' guns are just not around right now ...

Yes, this one-gun-per-month thing is expensive, but if it will save one life, then I suppose it's worth it. ;)

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited January 04, 2000).]
Coinneach, You know that I like to support the local FFLs but you can't pass up on those let's make a deals either! My problem is that I have a F-250 4x4 that's due in next week and the Bank of Katie is going to pay the balance! I've never snuck a gun into the house and I can see over 70 in plain sight right here in my boy's room. I should have said that I just wish I had to think that long and hard.

Care to tell us what is on your shopping list???

Way to go,

I understand your situation completely.
I tend to agree with others' on the notion that if at all possible support your local FFL. And, yes, grab that "good deal" as often as possible.

Chain stores do just fine selling all the other things needed in the home. It's nice that they(Wal-Mart) still do carry firearms (long guns), and if possible I do buy there if it's a good deal.

Private parties are great if you know them, or someone else can vouch for them. I bought a gun a few years ago, and found out it was "warm". I turned it in, then went after the guy for my cash...ugly story, not the right time to divulge the happenings.

As for that yellow strip of government nonsense, If you've bought more than a couple in the past few uears, fear not, you're already cataloged!!

Oh, I bought 12 of them in different sizes and breeds in less than 6 months. From .22 pistols to .454 Cassull. Several rifles, and shotguns. Most of them from my local FFL. Two were given away as gifts.

See, Dad always wanted a blue Vaquero in .45 LC, X-Mas was very near, ssoooo.

Best Regards,
HankL, yeah, I don't mind. I've already got my current armory detailed on my web site, so WTF. :)

Taurus 605 .357 Mag
Taurus M44 .44 Mag (Don... that's a hint, buddy :) )
Cimarron Model P .45LC (I want a single-action .45. Dunno why.)
Glock 27 .40S&W
Glock 33 .357SIG
Glock 21 or 30 .45ACP
Bushmaster AR-15
Something auto in 7.62NATO
Remington 700 .300 Win Mag
Serbu BFG-50 .50BMG
Beretta 1201FP 12-ga
Stevens Springfield SxS 12-ga

Whew! :)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
I have a question about this. Here in IL we need to have that FOID card to even handle the gun so I thought we can ONLY buy from a dealer. What if a friend was selling a gun could I legally buy it from him? HmMMMM now I am confused again :(.

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
Miss D, I live in a *civilized* state. No FOID. Private sales OK, with no NICS check required.

You really should move to a cowboy state (CO, WY, MT, ID, etc). :)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
COWBOY states?

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
Coinneach, You seem to have a nice list going and I have a few of the items on your list.
As you know "I only buys um."
Regards, Hank
Coin, methinks you seek validation not advice. :) You know damn well you will purchase any gun you want from either legal source depending on how easily you fall in love with it, not no stinkin' potential idiotic repercussions down the road. You're a free man. But my question is the 6-4-2 ratio. If it isn't a classified strategic formula, how did you arrive at it?
Coinneach Come On!! Just a few more post here and you will be a flaming whatever without having to post test test test. Go for the single action first!
G-Freeman, as regards ratio... it just sorta happened that way. :)

HankL, you brought the signal (fire) honor with the 15th reply to my request for validation. ;)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Reminds me a bit of the fellow who wouldn't post the serial number of his DCM M1 because the Government might find out about it.
