A different presidential poll


New member
. . . and a few gun ones to boot.

They ask simplified questions, but it's a fun thing. There are not many respondents to the gun polls, but the pro-gun sentiment is overwhelming in every case.

Presidential -http://www.selectsmart.com/PRESIDENT/

Guns - http://vote.pollit.com/search?search=%22gun+control%22&type=OR&lang=english&scatnum=

They say there are 10 polls, but they show only 5 and the "Next 10" button doesn't work.
You can also leave limited comments.

If you have a web page, you can create your own poll. Have fun!

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.

I wonder as to whether people stay up, till late in the night, and work weekends, thinking up these silly "polls"?
alan -- Yeah, sometimes I get fed up to HERE with polls by MSNBC, et al since you know they will disappear later if the pro-gunners win.

That being said, I'll play their silly games
in the very faint hope our side must just start to sink in. (I said it was faint [g]).

This one I took to just be a vehicle to either gather names or generate revenue, not for any propaganda purposes. So, in that vein, I played along as a diversion.

Hey, I'm retired and have nothing else to do [g].
I tried,
and I don't think we will see the results on the 6 oclock news. reason number 1, ALL the questions came up with the ANTI choice.
reason number 2... I checked the results of the polls I answered, and except for the "how can we stop school shootings" question every one favored LESS gun control, by a 50 to 100% margin. (have only TFL'ers been there???) I tried entering gun control in the search, but that doesn't really help much.
