A crazy question . . . but . . .

Prof Young

New member
Another post about guns with "style" has prompted this query.

Are there places in the USA, or the world for that matter, where open carry is a fashion statement and people buy guns that make a fashion statement?

Life is good.

Prof Young
In TX, there is a sort of tradition of what are called Barbecue Guns. These are typically very nice pistols--most often embellished and carried in similarly nice and embellished holsters. One would expect to see Colt revolvers and maybe embellished 1911 pistols filling this niche.

The guns would be worn at a fancy, but somewhat informal, get-together (a Barbecue or other similar dinner--usually served outside) on private property, not while walking around in public or at an indoor formal dinner.

I say it's 'sort of a tradition' because it's not something that one would expect to see frequently. I've never been to the kind of a get-together where people were wearing BBQ guns. I imagine that it's pretty rare for that kind of function to take place these days so it might be more accurate to say that there WAS sort of a tradition...

I haven't been in tons of places over seas, but I do have a little bit of history in South America. Pistols in the (very rural) areas of South America where I was were viewed as being for killing people and not much else. Most families had some sort of a long gun--usually a very old shotgun (the ones I saw were mostly vintage muzzle-loaders) for hunting--but pistols were rare and when a non-military person wore one openly it was usually a veiled threat, or a self-proclamation of power/authority.
I don't know about now, but in the late 80's,,,

I don't know about now, but in the late 80's,,,
I saw a lot of fancy open carry rigs in Flagstaff, Arizona.

That was the first and only place I lived,,,
Where open carry seemed prestigious.


Are there places in the USA, or the world for that matter, where open carry is a fashion statement and people buy guns that make a fashion statement?

Kind of. I am law enforcement, and when I go to training or a class with folks from many other agencies I will usually open carry my nicest pistol (which is not a Barbecue gun by any stretch). Same thing with like an FOP (Fraternal Order of Police) meeting. Some other guys do as well, while many just carry their standard issue. My nicest pistol is an RIA 1911 with custom grips. Yes I don't have deep pockets lol! At any rate, I would say that some cops I know will OC in a setting like that to show off a nice holster or firearm while they are training or meeting in plain clothes. Of course I'm from the country and many cops here are gun guys.
I would say that it happens most frequently at gun ranges and shooting matches. A lot of regulars at club level matches are there because they enjoy guns and community... So there is a lot of showing off and ogling of guns
Ever been to Tombstone? Probably more weapons of all sorts on the street at one time per capita than any where else except for a war zone. Lots of collector stuff.
I am rather private about my armed status. Yes, there are some who know about it, but I do not 'open carry' in public. (I'm a bit more casual around my shooting friends.)

However, being in my own mind a sharp dresser and respectable, mature and generally edumacated type, I have a rather fancy sidearm. A 1903 Colt Pocket pistol with tasteful engraving, a new blue job and faux ivory grips. Not that I'm crazy about .32 ACP as a primary defensive round.

But I feel 'class' needs no explanation. And no. I do not show it off in public.
Mexican cartel members appreciate gold plated and engraved AK-47's and Colt 1911A1 .38 Supers. Search Google for pictures.