A couple of ??'s


New member
According to the FBI, from what I can gather, they base their Uniform Crime Report on estimates? I read their FAQ's over and over and from what I can see, they don't use real facts, just estimates based on similar sized cities to prepare their report. Am I reading this wrong? Also why do they lump justifiable homicide in with murder? If it's justified, their isn't a crime right? Lastly, when did the reversal of parties take place? Weren't Republicans once liberals and Democrats conservative? I want to say it happened around the mid 1860's, but I can't remember.(old brain and lack of sleep).
oops: Lastly,lastly: It seems that every day I read of hear about some communications giant swallowing up smaller stations, or some publication giant swalowing up smaller newspapers or magazines. How many news agencies really exist, and more importantly where to they get their info from? I mean do they all use API and/or UPI? CNN? Whatever??
On the news outlets, there are a few big wire services - UPI, AP, and Reuters. The main networks, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox, etc. have their own reporters and crews but get most of their news from one of the above.

By the way, Reuters is sickeningly liberal. The Fox Network is pretty realistic. Their commentators tore Clinton up after the State of the Union address, while all the other stations were sucking up.

Hey - let's bring back the Whig party!