a couple more...


New member
a couple more...
today i got my 1898 springfield in 30-40 krag out and did some load testing. varget and reloader 7 did todays test. i have already shot 25.5 gr of h4198 in 165gr ranch dog.(173gr 95%lead, 2.5% tin and 2.5% antimony- carolina cast bullets) i shot them at 50 yards and they go around .7".

everything here is 50 yards, open sights(still have to get lyman peep sight on) and still 165gr ranch dog. and by the way, pic ain't the best, hey i'm disabled!!! i had a stroke so the right half of my body doesn't work very well.

all right, the first picture shows me trying to line the sights up. the first two don't count...honest!!! would i lie to you? i didn't get the calipers out, but its roughly 3/4", a quarter can cover it. although the is some recoil, most wouldn't mind it.

the second picture show boolit #3 was pulled. the other 3 are about 1 1/4". the recoil is slightly more.

i don't know what happened here. but whatever it was, it was MY FAULT. i shot the first three and i could not believe what happened. i don't know if i pulled it or looking at the sight the wrong way...but it is my fault. 4 and 5 stayed roughly the same. it is roughly 2" from 3, 4, and 5. i did not notice any recoil like varget did. it was just a bump to let you know that you pulled the trigger.

this is more like it, i don't have any thing more to say about this. 1, 2, and 3 make it roughly 1 1/4" and if we add 4 to it, it goes roughly 1 1/2". recoil was the same, none.

the bore looks clean just like it has done with h4198. varget makes a nice group, although it snaps the gun back. reloader 7 makes another group tho its slightly bigger than varget. and there is no, nadda, none recoil.
since i only have a pound of varget and rel7, i think that i will get more of rel7. until i do, its still h4198!!! then we will see if the deer like it as much as i do!!!!!!
Thanks for posting this. A Krag with a decent bore can do well with cast bullets, and I like to read about that. A group of 1-1/4" at fifty yards is pretty durn good for this kind of shooting, and I think you will do better if you can get a peep sight on it. Not wanting to drill and tap an old Krag receiver, which is very hard, I have simply simple bonded an aperture site on with JB Weld. It works if you clean and roughen the metal surfaces.
i have a 102k lyman peep sight/screw that i got on ebaa. i'm goin "try" to put it on this weekend:rolleyes:. i think with either h4198 or reloader 7, i'll be able to shoot 3" at 100 yards. and that should be enough for deer.( i'm guessing:p)
i thought that is was a lyman peep sight, but i was wrong. its a redfield 102k peep sight.
sorry about that!!!! :(
that is a real nice design. mine, however, is a two handed ordeal!!!(i only have one hand, left one, due to my stroke:eek:) i sat there for an hour trying to get the cutoff alined with my strait scewdriver. my young boy, who happen to be 17yo, say give me a try. then in less time it take to pour a glass of iced tea, he is done!!!:D i was so happy for him but tired of the gun, so its going to wait a bit.:mad: