A couple more Powerbelt picture stories


New member
Over at my place I had a couple guys post some kill pictures a young kid and another guy got.

The youngster shot this doe with an Accura V2 he borrowed off a member on my forum. His story: I am so excited! I got a text a while ago from the kid who is using my Accurra V2 to try and get his very first deer. He has been so down because he hasn't been seeing any deer this year.I told him it wasn't just him, and that no one around here were seeing deer. Well tonight, he bagged his very first deer, a nice doe!!! Don't know anything more yet, I am sure they are taking care of the deer. Told him I can't wait to hear the story.... I got skunked this year, but hearing this, made my whole season!!! I am so glad his first deer was with a muzzleloader....

25 yard shot. Sounds like it went thru the shoulder, thru the heart. I don't know if it was a complete pass thru or not. Deer dropped dead in it's tracks. Bullet was a 295 grain power belt, with 80 grains of 777 loose powder.


Now this rifle is another Accura V2 that I went through for a member and a good friend of mine. He always sends me his muzzies to deep clean, lube and do load development on. He never got to shoot it due to shoulder surgery. He loaned it out to a new shooter, gave him the load info that I dialed it in for, advised him to take a few shots to make sure and once he did, all was perfect.

His story:
Met a guy from Wisconsin who wanted to get into muzzle loader hunting. I advised him of the V2 that Jon set up for me and he wanted to use it. Well look at what he did on his first time out. Nice looking buck. Rifle was dead on. You did great Jon.

Shooter reported back to Fred:
He told me it is a 9 point buck with a 19 7/8" spread, base of 6" and a g2 (not high) but is 8". Wish I could shoot one like that. He stated I was his mentor on him getting this buck and everything I advised him to do he did and it worked perfectly. I just advised I learned everything from you muzzies here on the forum. I advised him to check the sight out. THANKS AGAIN JON AND ALL YOU GUYS AND LADIES for all the help and information. I take your word on this matter as the gospel.

100 grains Blackhorn209, 300 grain Powerbelt Aerolite, Deer dropped in its tracks.
