A coupla gun funnies ....

We could all do with the smilies :)

Q. How many guns does it take to change a lightbulb ?
A. Guns don't change lightbulbs. People change lightbulbs

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
[Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.]

"A splendid weapon for defending oneself in a crowded elevator." -- General Creighton Abrams describing the Colt 45

The shortest distance between two points is a .458 Winchester Magnum."

When airguns are outlawed, only police will have airguns.

"Basically, they were shooting at a moving target that was jolting back and forth in many different directions. It was very excitable and moving at a very high rate of speed for a cow." --Irvine City Manager explaining 43 police rounds fired into a cow
discovered entering the 405 freeway (LA Times 11/11/93)

"Why keep repeating carbines and nuclear armament at home, this is dangerous, a child could play with it". -- Candian leader Chretien at a press conference


Funny stuff!! The one from GEN Abrams sounds typical...he was a world class Armor officer. If it wasn't 90mm or larger, he wouldn't be interested!
