A cogent commentary on the "debates"


New member
This poster hits the nail on the head. I like
the statement, "Perhaps, just perhaps, a big part of the problem is that one Republican candidate is very adept at giving the correct Constitutional answer for every question asked and this practice is really embarrassing the hell out of everyone else -- especially the socialist-leaning media."
http://www.uhuh.com/reports/headsup/hu166.htm#WHY THE DEBATES MUST END

MSNBC's Brian Williams was booed loudly while playing moderator for the Republican debate in South Carolina a couple weeks ago. Joseph W. McQuaid, publisher of the Manchester Union-Leader, wrote a front page editorial apologizing for the terrible job Tim Russert did as moderator in New Hampshire Republican debate. And some of the so called "journalists" allowed to ask Republican candidates questions during various debates managed to ask some of the stupidest, most lame-brain questions ever heard asked above the high school debate level.

Because, the problem is, the Republican candidates for President are allowing the show to be run by the far left in the national media. No moderator asks the proper questions simply because they do not know the proper questions to ask. They are big government supporting liberals, not Republicans.

So, do conservatives get to ask questions of the Democratic candidates during their debates? Fat chance! The White House would probably have the Secret Service arrest anyone asking Gore a conservative or Constitutional question. The liberals have this debate thing sowed up tight. And, unfortunately, the debates are about the only time many voters will get to see the Republicans before the primary election.

The deal is done. The fix is in. The Republican Party leadership wants to force Bush on us and provides him plenty of money. The media wants to force McCain on us and does not want us to even see anyone else. We voters don't seem to get a vote.

There is a Constitutional candidate running in the Republican primary, but you wouldn't know it by listening to the media. There is also a republican candidate with a whole web page full of very good ideas, but the national media rejects him, too.

By last Wednesday, political shows on CNN were acting like it is a forgone conclusion that McCain will win the Republican primary and Gore the Democratic. Therefore, they didn't seem to feel the need to include the other Republican candidates in their "news" discussion.

Even Rush Limbaugh got into the act two Fridays ago when he suggested that all candidates except Bush and McCain be rejected from debates. Rush said that it is because the message between the top two is getting muddled that the other four Republican candidates should not be heard.

We, the voters, apparently don't count for much of anything to the media folks. Apparently, we are but excess baggage in "their" primary system nowadays. Because, when even the most listened to media conservative agrees that four Republican candidates for President of the United States should not be heard publicly -- before even one primary vote was cast in any State -- we most definitely have a very major problem.

Perhaps, just perhaps, a big part of the problem is that one Republican candidate is very adept at giving the correct Constitutional answer for every question asked and this practice is really embarrassing the hell out of everyone else -- especially the socialist-leaning media. And, it could be that the hierarchy in both political parties see that the people (voters) are starting to notice the difference between candidates and do not want that big government boat rocked.

Liberals, after all, want as much big government control over the people as they can possibly get. Therefore, they fall all over themselves to "give" people things (programs) to both keep the people beholden to them and to exert control. Conservatives, on the other hand, will often propose rearranging government and lowering taxes, but basically with an eye on increasing the bottom line of business and investors.

In other words, both political parties will rearrange the deck chairs on the ship of state a little from time to time, but neither have any plans of steering that ship of state back onto its correct Constitutional course.

The sorry fact is that both liberals and conservatives need big government to realize their goals. Our problem is that if that big government continues operation as usual, it will be, as usual, by violating even more of the God given, natural and Constitutional rights of the people.

Bush and McCain are both liberals -- albeit, Bush has a few more "conservative" characteristics than McCain. Steve Forbes is more of a classical conservative than either Bush or McCain. Alan Keyes is somewhat of a conservative, but with a strong Constitutional bent.

And that's why people are noticing Alan Keyes. He puts things in the proper prospective. The Constitutional prospective. And that irritates the hell out of both liberals and conservatives alike.

So Rush is probably right, as usual. It is paramount that something be done, and done soon. Because, no matter how people feel about the intensity or passion of the presentation of his arguments, people are starting to notice that Dr. Alan Keyes is exactly correct -- Constitutionally correct -- and the others currently campaigning in the two major parties are not.

The establishment politicians and the establishment media both know that if this Constitution thing ever catches on, it could mean very big trouble for all of them later on. The American people would want to recoup some of their freedoms by demanding that the government start obeying the Constitution again. That would rock everyone's boat -- major media and political types alike -- and they know that.

Nevada alt C.A.N.
The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
Not only would the people want to throw them out, I believe that trials for bribery and treason could follow, and this would leave the house of representatives with one congressman who hasn't taken a leak on the Constitution in exchange for taking a wad of cash home to constituents.
I listen to Rush almost daily, but he too is severely misguided. I've even heard it on TFL that we should narrow down the field, and alas, that is why we have primaries in the first place. If we don't have a choice, and we can't let all the ideas flow, then exactly why do we bother with primaries? The big whigs in the Republican Party could just appoint their annointed one and then the people could really benifit! The reason Alan Keyes is so unwelcome I believe is because he really does know the U.S. Constitution, and to some degree makes you want to read it yourself. When enough folks read it, they'll see through McCain and Bush, and that will be disasterous for the golden boys of the republicrat party.