A chance to stop the war?


New member
On the evening news it was reported that clinton will go to congress to ask for some 5 million dollars in funding for the war in Serbia. Congress can stop this war simply by refusing Slick's request. I urge all of you to contact your congressmen immediatly and tell them to say NO! No money, no war. Its that simple.
Hey! That's billion with a great big effing "B"!!!

And I've been doing just what you suggest.

I've also pointed out that the Nazis could not control the Balkans and the Serbs with 600,000 troops, even with a reprisal policy of 50--and later, 100--Serbs executed per German soldier killed by Partisans.

What is our planned reprisal policy? Hmmm?

"I caught a wolverine!"
"Let him go!"
"I can't! He won't let me!"
Grayfox, as much as i would like to see us get the hell out of there, i don't think it's gonna happen. this is Klinton's legacy. he wants to be remembered as the president that
stopped all the terrible things going on over there and brought peace to the place. it ain't gonna happen that way, but he thinks it is. listening to the talking heads on the boob tube denying that they're going to send in ground troops, just strenghtens my opinion
that they're going in soon. it's gonna be a big cluster f**k. good American soldiers
will die for a people that won't fight for themselves, and for that prick that is holding the office that a man of honor and a man who has concern for what's in the best interest for the country should be holding!! i'd better shut up now, before i say something more than should be said in a polite public forum!!

fiat justitia

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited April 20, 1999).]
I agree with your assement of slick. But, the tide is turning. The polls, which guide slick, are showing that the people are waking up. If we can put the pressure on congress, maybe, just maybe, they might show some guts and cut off the money. We gotta at least try.
Remember how Klinton wrapped things up back in Somalia? Just a small reminder of how things can turn out if groundtroops are committed in Serbia.