A caution about what you post here


Spent this weekend at the SSAA (WA) Delegates Conference in Perth.

Our SSAA (same as your NRA, 'cept smaller) has a Guestbook on the website:


Apparently, the anti-gunners monitor it daily. They take sections of posts, or whole posts, cut and paste, put them together to suit their own purposes, blow them up to A3, laminate them -- and send them to every politician on their "friendly" list.

Our (SSAA) guestbook is moderated; but in fairness only three posts have ever been knocked out.

It doesn't matter. All "they" need is the keywords they want, a quick cut and paste, and we are in deep shi .... ummm, sheep dip!!

This (TFL) is a very restrained and well-moderated forum -- but even so .......


Very interesting...I wonder why we don't do the same thing over here? Afer reading some HCI, VPC material through links provided by TFL posters, I think some of the absolutely outlandish concepts they are considering are worthy of passing to RKBA friendly politicians at all levels...regardless of party.

DC, what do you think about that as an idea or is this already being exploited? This is textbook IO (Information Operations)...

I'm specifically thinking about the "master plan" or whatever it's called by HCI that they developed back in 1995 or so...I read it though a link provided by a poster here. I specifically remember the bit about "arsenal permits" etc. The stuff was absolutely apalling and if the general public (especially politically non-involved gunowners) and RKBA politicians aren't aware of HCI's true agenda, then we need to get busy.

Again, if this is already being exploited by RKBA organizations, well nevermind!


I don't believe that pro-RKBA are exploiting that as much as anti's are. It couldn't hurt I suppose, but neither would it do much good.

My Senators are Feinstein and Boxer...if I sent them that HCI/VPC masterplan they'd probably say "Huh? Whats wrong with this?".

It might give better results in a public venue...I believe that most folks lean towards fairness, and this concept might sway fence sitters and those who aren't deeply opposed to us. The thing that bothers me is that we can't confirm the masterplan as indeed being factual....sure we know in our gut that its true but its very much like that bogus Hitler quote about gun control. If we make a mistake it blows up in our face and hurts us....the same doesn't hurt them.

Basically I'm saying we are in a propaganda war and the rules are not balanced, and they are much better at disinformation than we are.
All in all though, I'm at the point that I believe we should always do something as we are losing daily, so we have no choice

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
DC... yes this is a propaganda war.. the reason they are better at it than we are is they abide by the #1 rule. "Keep the lie simple and repeat it often" Sooner or later people will accept it as the truth. Even if the Hitler quote is true or not, regardless if it blows up in our face.. if it is repeated often enough people will believe it. Same goes with their master plan. So why don't most of us use these tactics? I believe it is because we have morals. That most gun owners are virtuious.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Has anyone emailed the Plan to HCI and asked them to confirm or deny? If they don't answer, then you can add to your letter that
you asked them to deny it and they didn't.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Our fight should be for the hearts and minds of mainstream folks. They aren't interested in tactics between our activists and the HCI, but they do respond to symbols and emotional pitches. Our best face in this war is to emphasize how vulnerable we are without guns, as opposed to the HCI argument that we are more vulnerable because of guns. We need to portray families who have been or are afraid of being assaulted by rapists, robbers and cat burglars. The only way to really take the war directly to our enemy is to find dirt on him -- something more than simply revealing his dishonest tactics. We need evidence of gross hypocrisy, i.e. Dick Schumer carries a rod or has investments in the gun industry (makes sense -- sales go up every time he opens his mouth), or that he cheats on his taxes or buggers little boys. We need an investigative team of ex-LEOs and accountants who can get the goods on some of these folks. That might shut them up.
i asked Jeff Chan At RKBA.org about the HCI docs...

he said: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
I believe it fraudulent. I leave it up as a reference.Since it may not be genuine, it may be much wiser not to use it.

Maybe I should deactivate it.[/quote]

it works great as an NRA signup generator! http://www.survival.com.mx/hci.html

I wouldn't call it thier "Master Plan" ... I'd call it thier "Final Solution" ... especially when dealing with people that remember WWII. It has a much more sinister meaning (like the proposal by HCI)