A call to NM citizens

Bill in NM

New member

I realize that this may not quite be the appropriate place to post this, I'm trying to get the word out to anyone who may either line in New Mexico or even just know someone in New Mexico that believes we should have the right to protect ourselves, our families, and other innocents with a concealed weapon. At present, carrying concealed is illegal.

Representative Lisa Lutz, (R60, Sandoval County) has once again brought a true Freedom to Carry bill to Governor Gary Johnson. This bill emulates Vermont's law, allowing citizens to carry any weapon any place, any way they see fit, as long as they 1) are not commiting a crime, and 2) are not intending to commit a crime. There would be no licensing, no fees, no registration.

The bad news is that this bill can not go before the House unless Gov. Johnson specifically calls for it to be voted on. Please, if you live in New Mexico, and believe that the government should quit infringing on our Constitutional rights, please call, fax or email to the info below and let Gov. Johnson know how you feel!
This Legislative session is already in progress, and only runs until Feb. 16, 2000, so time is crittical!

For more information, please visit <http://www.gunowners.org> and and go to the NM page under State Alerts.

Please contact:

The Honorable Gary Johnson
Office of the Governor
State Capitol Building
Santa Fe NM 87503
Phone: 505-827-3000 / Fax: 505-827-3026 or Email: gov@gov.state.nm.us

[This message has been edited by Bill in NM (edited January 23, 2000).]
Considering Gov Johnson's libertarian stance on other issues, I'd think he'd support a Vermont bill 100%.

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson
You would think so, but this was brought before him last year, and he never bothered to get it to the floor of the House. Let's hope this year is different.
Thanks for the alert. I just e-mailed Governor Johnson. I always want to keep the pressure on, but I fear as long as the Speaker of the House and the President Pro-temp in the Senate are opposed along with the Chief of the NM State Police it is going to have a hard row to hoe. WE can try, though. Thanks again. Jerry
I e-mailed also. Don't know how much stock he'll put in input from out-of-staters, but I made it clear I would visit the state more often (thereby spending more of my money there) and that others would do the same, should such a bill become law.

By the way, Bill, do you know if this law would allow non-citizens who are visiting the state to carry also? Furthermore, does anyone know offhand if that's the case in Vermont?


[This message has been edited by BAB (edited January 21, 2000).]
Hmm..have heard from some folks that the email addy for Gov. Johnson doesn't work. My email was returned to me as well as undeliverable. Having done some other checking on the internet, everwhere lists the above address as correct. Not sure what else to do, so I faxed and called the Gov.'s office.
BTW, no, I'm not sure at this point if it would cover non-NM citizens. I would think that it would, since the Freedom to Carry Act basically says it's your right as an American Citizen, and that the Gov't should keep the heck out of it. But this is only my interpretation.

[This message has been edited by Bill in NM (edited January 22, 2000).]
Bill, I also had my first try returned. I then went to the governor's site and used the email there. I guess it worked, but I don't know if I would have gotten it back if it didn't. It seemed to have accepted my message because it verified the info I had provided re address, etc. Here is his homepage that I used. http://www.askjeeves.com/main/metaAnswer.asp?MetaEngine=WebCrawler&logQID=47F15D69FFD0D311809B009027737E54&qCategory=GOV_&qSource=0&frames=yes&site_name=Jeeves&scope=web&r=x&MetaTo pic=Governor+Johnson%27s+Home+Page&MetaURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.governor.state.nm.us%2F&EngineOrdinal=1&ItemOrdinal=1&ask=email+address+for+governor+of+New+Mexico+metasearch&origin=0&M etaList=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.governor.state.nm.us%2F&x=18&y=13 WOW! I think you can copy and paste. If not go to Ask Jeeves and ask for the governor's homepage. Jerry