A Bunch of Questions raised by this Craziness


So...here is the scenario (and guys, lets focus here):

One man responsible for mayhem, police say

Anchorage Daily News

(Published: December 3, 2007)

Anchorage police say the man wanted for killing his father with a machete outside Palmer on Sunday and arrested in Anchorage this morning after a shooting and carjacking also killed a grad student in Spenard Sunday morning and shot a woman near Westchester Lagoon on Sunday night.

Anchorage Police Chief Rob Heun said at a news conference this afternoon that Christopher Erin Rogers Jr., 28, has admitted all the attacks, a chain of violence over a 24-hour period stretching from the Mat-Su Valley to downtown Anchorage.

Rogers was arrested around 7:30 a.m. after police found him driving a hijacked SUV in East Anchorage, police spokeswoman Anita Shell said. He's being held on trooper arrest warrants for murder and attempted murder related to the machete attack, which left a woman injured.

Rogers has a lengthy criminal record in Anchorage and Palmer, according to a public database of court records, which includes charges for assault, resisting arrest, harassment, driving while intoxicated, misconduct involving a controlled substance and domestic violence.

The rampage appears to have started in the Valley. Troopers responded around 5:30 a.m. Sunday to a home on Outer Springer Loop south of Palmer. Christopher E. Rogers Sr., 51, was killed and a woman in the home, Elann Moren, 55, was seriously injured. Troopers said they suspected the younger Rogers and issued an arrest warrant. The injuries were inflicted with a machete or something similar, troopers said.

At 7:30 a.m. Sunday, people on the 4300 block of Lois Drive in Spenard, near Spenard Builders Supply, heard shots. At 10 a.m. a couple walking their dog found UAA grad student Jason Wenger slumped dead in his Bronco in front of his house. He had been shot.

Just before 8 p.m. Sunday, Elizabeth Rumsey was walking near 15th Avenue and N Street when she passed a man she later told police gave her a bad feeling. She heard three shots and at least one hit her in the back. Police initially said she was jogging when she was attacked, but friends said Rumsey, who works as a clerk for the Alaska Supreme Court, was walking home from seeing a movie at the Bear Tooth Theatrepub.

This morning, Anchorage police blocked the eastbound lane of Northern Lights Boulevard at Bragaw Street due to a morning carjacking and shooting in the Westchester Lagoon area that left a man in the hospital with multiple gunshot wounds.

Police closed the traffic lane because of several vehicle crashes that happened while the alleged shooter in the hijacked vehicle -- since identified as Rogers -- tried to evade police, Shell said.

The shooting victim is in surgery at a local hospital and is expected to live, Shell said.

The victim had just started the vehicle, near 16th Avenue and K Street, at about 7 a.m. when he was approached by the assailant, who shot him several times and took his vehicle, she said.

Rogers Jr., was arrested at 7:30 a.m. after police found him driving the vehicle. He was stopped in the vicinity of Northern Lights and Boniface Parkway, Shell said.

Return to adn.com for updates to this story, and see tomorrow's print edition of the Daily News for full coverage.


Should the police have figured out some way to alert the general public when they got the call at 5:30 am and new this nutcase was on the loose, especially after 5 hours later, they find a guy dead in his car? An alertt on TV and radio...what about text message alerts.....

Would that have made folks more cautious, like the woman walking home from the movies? I would have rearmed myslef If I knew a looney was in the area

I for one would have reacted a bit different when I rolled out of bed sunday morning and took SWMBO to work less than 4 hours and 1 mile from where the murder of the grad student occurred? I'm two miles from where the woman got shot and the other carjacking occured....

Can you always be safe? Would a gun in the hands of that woman who got shot have saved her? What about the car jacked guy....???

WildsomanyquestionsandyesallicarryaroundismyseecampandaloadednagantAlaska TM

Here is the fella and the remnants of a police car

It seems our government overseers never miss an opportunity to do the wrong thing.

Well that adds a lot:cool:

Heres an update:

olice: 24-hour spree of killings, violence over

Anchorage Daily News

(Published: December 3, 2007)

A man first wanted for killing his father with a machete outside Palmer on Sunday and arrested in Anchorage this morning after a shooting and carjacking has also admitted killing a UAA graduate student in Spenard on Sunday morning and shooting a woman near Westchester Lagoon on Sunday night, police said. Anchorage Police Chief Rob Heun said this afternoon that Christopher Erin Rogers Jr., 28, is responsible for a chain of violence over a 26-hour period, stretching from the Mat-Su Valley to downtown Anchorage and leaving two people dead and three injured. Rogers is currently charged with murder and attempted murder in Palmer, and murder plus two counts of attempted murder in Anchorage. Rogers said he used the machete on his father and his father's girlfriend because he couldn't find his father's gun. But he found the gun when he stole his father's truck, to flee to Anchorage, so shot the rest of his victims, acccording to an affidavit by police Detective Steve Hill. He was angry because he felt his family treated him badly, police said. Rogers was arrested here about 7:30 a.m. today in East Anchorage after he carjacked an SUV across town and shot the driver, police spokeswoman Anita Shell said. He was captured after a crash-ridden chase across Midtown.

Rogers' rampage started in the Mat-Su, the charging affidavit says. Troopers responded around 5:30 a.m. Sunday to a home on Outer Springer Loop south of Palmer. Christopher E. Rogers Sr., 51, was killed and a woman in the home, Elann Moren, 55, was serious injured. Moren told troopers that the younger Rogers had attacked them (see related story), and an arrest warrant was issued. The injuries were inflicted with a machete or something similar, troopers said.

A couple of hours later, at 7:30 a.m. Sunday, people on the 4300 block of Lois Drive in West Anchorage, near Spenard Builders Supply, heard shots. At 10 a.m. a couple walking their dog found UAA grad student Jason Wenger slumped dead in his Bronco in front of his house. Rogers told police he spotted Wenger in his idling Bronco and shot him intending to steal the vehicle, the affidavit says. He had abandoned his father's truck.

But the shots made too much noise and Rogers "feared that the noise might arouse neighbors and he 'did not want to take on the whole neighborhood.'" the affidavit said.

Rogers said he slept in the woods and set out on foot to find another victim, no longer concerned about getting caught. He told police he "just wanted to kill a few more people along the way," according to Hill.

Just before 8 p.m. Sunday, Elizabeth Rumsey was walking near 15th Avenue and L Street, near the Chester Creek trail, when she passed a man she later told police gave her a bad feeling. She heard three shots and at least one hit her in the back. Police initially said she was jogging when she was attacked, but friends said Rumsey, who works as a clerk for the Alaska Supreme Court, was walking home from seeing a movie at the Bear Tooth Theater.

This morning, Anchorage police blocked the eastbound lane of Northern Lights Boulevard at Bragaw Street due to a morning carjacking and shooting in the Westchester Lagoon area that left a man in the hospital with multiple gunshot wounds. Police closed the traffic lane because of several vehicle crashes that happened while the alleged shooter in the hijacked vehicle -- since identified as Rogers -- tried to evade police, Shell said.

The victim, identified as Tamas Deak, 43, had just started the vehicle, near 16th Avenue and K Street, at about 7 a.m. when he was approached by the assailant, who shot him several times and took his vehicle, she said.

Rogers Jr., was arrested at 7:30 a.m. after police found him driving the vehicle. He was stopped in the vicinity of Northern Lights and Boniface Parkway, Shell said.

Deak, is expected to survive, as is Rumsey, police said.

See tomorrow's print edition of the Daily News for full coverage.

Shot someone in idling car...then goes out just to kill folks

All becasue he was mad at his daddy:barf:

Is it worth now being more tactical while warming up the truck....:confused:??

WildjustwowAlaska TM
I don't know the geography -- how far is Palmer from Anchorage? -- nor the way people up there respond to alerts from the police.

My guess is that the cops didn't publicize they were looking for Mr. Looney Bins right away in the hopes of being able to locate him at a friend's house or his own residence.

There's nothing in the story that would obviously connect the suspect to the shooting of the Bronco driver or the pedestrian clerk. The police may not have connected those shootings with the suspect immediately (different towns, different weapons used).

The question is not so much should they have released a statement, but what information did they have that would have been helpful? Hey, we're looking for this Rogers guy that we suspect of hacking his father to death, call...
With his record and penchant for violence one does wonder why the local authorities didnt issue a bulletin to alert the general populace. especially after hacking his dad up with a machete. That face would be hard to miss....
Situational awareness certainly is everyone's first responsibility.

That POS should be skinned alive for what he did. Probably a tweeker or something. I can't even begin to imagine how twisted a person's mind must be to hack another human being apart with a machete in anger. Even in a life or death defense scenario I think it would be tough for any sane man to have to do that, necessary as it could be to his own self-preservation.

Since one of his victims was an employee of the Federal court will that make any difference as to how he will be charged on that offense?

Thanks for the pic of that freak, it'll make a nice target.
There was nothing on the news about this? I'm surprised the radio and TV both failed to mention any details to the public. I guess the police also believe they can protect the public. :barf:

I live in Nashville, Tn. If there was a text message for every crime.!.?...well, lets just say we'd never get to do anything but read text messages!

I see and hear the police, fire, and EMS vehicles a lot. True, I wonder whats up, but I seldom fine out.
