a bullets redemption


New member
Sorry I have to revise a statement that I made earlier about the 120gr ttsx out of my 7mm-08.

Over the holiday break off work my youngest boy (8 years old) decided he would rather use my -08 rather than his .243 for the second youth season in ky. He shoots them both about the same so why not. I had already re-sighted the gun with 120 gr v-max, for song dogs, and it shoots my ttsx load with the same POA. I decided to have him use some of my remaining ttsx.

The first afternoon we went we had a 100 lb doe come out of the bottom at about 50yrds. He aimed, squeezed the trigger and the deer hit the dirt.

Wile field dressing the animal I found that every rib on the off side had been separated from the sternum, the heart was mangled, and the lungs were severely bruised from the shock. Quite impressive.

I can't say for sure what happened with my deer, or why the difference between the two was so different but I think I'm gonna give them another try next season.
TTSX is a devesdating bullet. I have used the X bullet since its first design. In its earliest design, the bullet would sometimes fail to expand on a soft tissue hit. They cured that problem 20+ years ago.
The 120 grain TSX in my 7-08 has been solid gold since day one. Never had any problems, acccurate, complete penetration and easy to follow blood trails when necessary, but usually not very long.
I've also had very good luck with the Barnes line of bullets, from the X-Bullet through the LRX. They leave excellent entry and exit holes and lots of internal damage.
I tried some Barnes bullets in my 708

They weren't as accurate as Ballistic Tips, and tended to do a LOT of damage beyond what was required to kill a deer.

I'd use them for larger game, but for Whitetails I don't see any need
In all of these bullet posts I'd like to see each member describe exactly what he wants from that bullet and what the bullet did . None of this " he only went 20 yds ! "
Did you want an exit ? Did it exit ? what damage and of course where did it hit ??
Mete, I want bullets to do different things. What an X will do is double its size and penetrate to the energy potential of the velocity it hits with. It will not come apart regardless of what it hits. So long as it has energy, it keeps penetrating in one piece. Depending on what you hit and where you hit it at, it might be D.R.T., go 20 yards, or go 20 miles.
Mete, I hunt everything from thickets where 50yrds is a looong shot to pastures where I can shoot up to around 300yrds. What I want is a bullet that will drive through a shoulder on a quartering deer at 30yrds and exit (as that may be the only shot you get) as well as expand and pass through with a double lung hit at 300.

I have no issue tracking a well hit animal but I (as most) would like a D.R.T. (unless it runs toward the truck). A good sized exit is needed for an easy to follow blood trail and I didn't get that with the bullets I used up to this point. (With the -08)

Earlier this year I shot a doe with the 120gr ttsx and had a decent exit. She ran 200yrds across the field and another 100 or so into the neighbors bottom. I stated that I wasn't impressed by the performance of the bullet. Looking back I think I had the angle wrong and hit too far back catching 1 lung and the liver.

Sorry for the rant.:)