A Breath of Fresh Air


New member
This past week I was in one of Wyoming's cities, returning from an antelope hunt.
We stopped in a large sporting goods store that is attached to a grocery store. While we were there, I saw a young man purchase a new rifle, get a scope mounted, and carry it in one hand ( the other had a plastic sack of odds and ends), muzzle high, out thru the grocery store to his vehicle.
Nobody paid one damn bit of attention to him!
No screaming, hitting the floor, hysterics, childern crying, nada!
Its good to know there are still sane places in this land. Geeze, CA sucks after this.

The Bill of Rights, and the Golden Rule are enough for civilized behavior. The rest is window dressing. Shoot carefully, swifter...
That's why I love it here!!!

Open carry and nobody panics. Once in a while you get a strange look with open carry but, no soccer mom's wigging out :)

PS....why would you want to hunt Antelope when there is elk out the ying yang here???

Oh well one of these days I'm going to start hunting and find out for myself.
Thanks for rubbing it in Joey.

Years ago I bought a Enfield No 4(T) sniper rifle which came crated in a green wooden chest. As I carried the chest to my car, one individual looked at me and asked, "Is that what I think it is?" I replied, "Why should it be anything else?" He grimaced and I grinned.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
About 20 miles from here there is a place similar to this.
It's a grocerystore/fill 'em up convenience store, but it's also a bait & tackle/guns & ammo store. It's pretty cool to drive up to the gas pumps, fill up the tank, and go in and pick up a pump-action 20, a couple of boxes of ammo, and a loaf of bread all at the same place.
But then, they also still sell ammo at the local hardware store here.

Happiness is a tight group!
OK Joey, I'll tell you why people hunt antelope here, cause they are running out the ying yang. Got mine yesterday with my bow. Green scored 84...Pope and Young material for sure as well as Gold Medal SCI and the state is full of them.


My favorite sporting goods store has a package liquor store attached. No one even notices when you walk around with an arm full of guns...but get a case of beer and all the little old ladies give you a look of disgust.
Use to be a liquor store on Main Street in Susanville, CA which sold guns. "The Jug Shop" was where I bought my southpaw Rem 870 Express. Who sez guns and booze don't mix? (joking, of course).

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Where I live, the small town of Waynesboro, Georgia, you can still park your pickup with rifles in the rifle rack. A few years ago you wouldn't even lock it. I've seen hunters at a convenience stor in town every hunting season. Just standing around with their weapons. Nobody looks twice.

Byron Quick
While living in Hew Hampshire and working in Boston, the "gentle folk" there would give me a hard time about being a Texan with a pickup truck. "Wheres the gun rack on that thing?" they would ask.

My response "Well ya know its funny. I must have gone to 5 different grocery stores and couldn't find a single gun rack in ANY of them. What is up with all that? Back home I could run down to the Furrs Supermarket and get the weeks milk, bread and eggs and pick up a .270 at the same time. What kinda mamby pamby place is this up here?"

They would all politly chuckle and shake their heads at me. Thay had no idea I was not joking. And in AZ there is Smitty's. Groceries, hardware, clothing, bank and liquor all in one stop. :)

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper