A bit of Veterinarian humor...

Blue Jays

New member
Scene: A gentleman walks into his local veterinarian's office with an (obviously) dead parakeet in the palm of his hand....

Man: "Doctor, what's wrong with my bird?"

Vet: "Sir, your bird has died."

Man: "I don't believe it! Call in your best specialists for a consultation."

With that, the veterinarian calls in one of his best specialists, a Siamese cat. The cat sniffs the prone bird, bats it about with his paws, and then looks up at the doctor....

Vet: "Sir, my partner concurs that your bird has expired. There is nothing more that we can do. We're sorry."

Man: "You're both wrong, wrong, wrong! I insist on another opinion."

With that, the doctor calls in another top-rated specialist, a Labrador Retriever. The dog sniffs the bird and then gently licks the soft feathers. Sadly, he turns his gaze upwards towards the veterinarian....

Vet: "Sir, my medical partner here is also in complete agreement that your bird is dead. What would you like for us to do?"

Man: "Well, it seems that three medical experts are in agreement, I guess I have to face the unfortunate truth. What do I owe you?"

Vet: "That will be $900.00, please."

Man: "You mean, nearly one thousand dollars to tell me that my bird is dead? That's outrageous."

Vet: "Sir, my diagnosis is free-of-charge....but then you have the CAT SCAN for $450.00 and then you have the LAB TEST for another $450.00 and....."


~ Blue Jays ~

[This message has been edited by Blue Jays (edited December 15, 1999).]
With that, Blue Jays gets the coveted Groaner Of The Month Award. :)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872