a bit of real life


New member
I got to practice clearing my house yesterday, only I didn't know at the time it was only practice.

I was in my studio working, and Youngest Son was next door in his room playing Xenosaga before going to work. I had let the dogs outside and gone back to my studio, locking the back door as I closed it. (ALWAYS lock your doors). I didn't turn the alarm on because I was going to have to go back and let the barkers back in shortly.

So I'm sitting and figuring out what to do next finishing up my piece, and I hear the alarm chime that says "the door just opened". I responded with my usual "HELLO?" Family members know to answer to that immediately, as do I when I'm the one coming in.

No answer.

Then, SLAM. Out comes the XD-40, and YS does the right thing and stays in his room, as I slunk around the corners to clear the house. I got to the back door and there stands Jackson, my IT male, staring at the back door with his head cocked. He was INSIDE. I figured at this point the BG had bolted out the back and over the fence, and went out back to look. In order to do that, I had to unlock the back door.

Then all was clear, of course; the door had been locked but not LATCHED as I closed it. It had blown open and let the dogs in, then blown back closed, hard, thus actually latching and locking the door.

Still, I went ahead and cleared the house, told YS what was up, and we relaxed...a little.

What I learned:

1) The door is not closed unless it is both locked and latched. Our new back door lock (installed after somebody tried to jimmy our front door lock and we got all new) is a little tricky in that regard, so henceforth, tug on the door and make sure it's there. Or use the deadbolt to lock it in the first place.

2) My shoes squeak. No, seriously. I have to wear orthotics now, and they make my sneakers un-sneaky. Next time, I slip the shoes off first.

3) I can keep my cool when I'm assuming a BG is in my house. It hit me afterward, but right then I was totally focused and I did well. Next time I may be a wreck, of course, assuming there's a next time, but I know I *can* clear the house without tripping over my feet or being too scared to move. This is good.

Hope that helps someone else as you evaluate your own home security and ask yourself "what would I do if..."

Good Learning.

Good job and good post.

I've gotten in the habit of always checking if my door is fully closed as well, it just makes me feel a bit better about making sure it is shut all the way.

It's great that you kept your cool and stayed focused.

My only thought about taking off shoes (if you already had them on) is that if you got in a close scuffle, having shoes to protect your feet when fighting is a big plus. Broken toes and toe nails could really put a damper on your hand-to-hand fighting if it led to that.

I know it's unlikely, especially if you're armed, but I stopped wearing sandals when I started carrying because:

a) I couldn't run fast in them or shift my weight with good ankle support
b) If I had to fight before I could draw or pull away, my whole ability to do more damaging shin/thigh/knee strikes would be impaired slightly.

Just food for thought, but excellent job.