A bipartison Video documentary.....

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They very well may have been posted before , and will be too long for most to be willing to watch....


I post it here because it includes at 1:33 the 2nd amendment and issues regarding firerarms....

This is a Video documentary about our government and Obama specifically but also includes issues with George Bush Jr. and Sr. (bipartisan)

Part of this video will include high politically influential black figures as well as many white along with statements from congress itself. ( I state this only to make all aware and to try and invite people to watch and not to cast judgment prior to watching the full video. )

This strikes me very much like the http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/

Seitgeist movie and it's sequel that very much presents me as a Conspiracy theorist...are nothing less than atleast educational.... it is about furthering my knowledge and refusing to believe everything the media tells me and to open my mind to acceptance that our government is no less at fault for many of the propaganda issues that has been reported on other countries.

I ask of you to view these two videos and make your own decisions and determine your own tr4uths ... as "thinking Americans".

I do not believe ALL in these videos ... but so much of it makes so much sense to me.

I welcome any agreements AND counter arguments..... I simply ask that you watch the video/s in full before response.
Yes Tennessee Gentleman but the one good ting is every time some one seeks knowledge, foster and share's that knowledge others are enlightened!
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madmo44mag said:
but the one good ting is every time some one seeks knowledge, foster and share's that knowledge others are enlightened!

I don't know if you watched that thing or not, I did and it sounded like a cross between the Elders of Zion and The Turner Diaries. I don't think it enlightens anyone because it is off the wall. The "Big Business" runs the world conspiracy has been around for a long time. Still as lame as ever.

Of course I could be one of them:cool:

Isn't this stuff against forum rules?
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