A 38 Super Comp USPSA Open Gun Review

I agree about changing it out to 9mm. You'll save a lot of money and hassle.

This will put him shooting minor UNLESS he loads his 9 mm hot to make major power.
I have yet to see anyone shooting 9 mm in open.
.38 Super used to be the most popular around here for Open Division, but cost and availability of cases has made that caliber so 1990's :p

Open is literally dominated by 9mm major now that all the open division gun manufacturers offer the caliber. It's a good thing since separating .38 Super from 9mm brass at the range was a nightmare for all involved...
I have yet to see anyone shooting 9 mm in open.

My local racegun builder told me he hasn't built an Open gun in anything but 9mm in the last two or three years. A lot of his work consists of rebarreling Supers to 9.