9mm VS .45

Just read this about caliber comparison and thought it was pretty good.
"The size of bullet holes doesn't matter. As with real estate, what matters about bullet holes is location, location, location."
Ohhh, Boy...

I remember reading a post from someone on TFL quoting a friend who was a Vietnam Vet. Said he saw both the 9mm and .45 in action, both with the same sad results.


"And a Cartridge in a Bare Tree..."
The 9mm are far more accurate. the .45 just has more powder and a bigger chunk of lead. A friend of mine just went shooting and he said the he was shooting a 9mm s&w when some guy walk in with a old colt. After one clip he reeled his target in to find only 4 had it the paper and they hit wildly.
In my eyes the 9mm is overall better

You gotta give the .45ACP a fair chance. Just because one guy can't shoot well with his .45ACP doesn't mean the cartridge gun combo is less accurate than another. Maybe the guy with the .45 would be better served by a gun with less recoil like a 9mm, but more importantly the guy needs practice/instruction. Four out of seven is bad. That said, the 9mm is a great caliber that is fun to shoot. The .45ACP is a great caliber that is fun to shoot.

OH NELLIE!!!! Ok ,I'll bite. I've never owned a .45, although the new Ruger P97 keeps getting rave reviews in the gun mags (see Feb 2000 Guns& Ammo). I might have to check into it!! :) The only reason that I don't own one,frankly is the cost of ammo. 9mm rounds are cheaper. I have always said that if I cannot make 9mm do the job, I have no busness firing the weapon!! :)

Just as there is no such thing as too much fun,
there is no such thing as owning just one gun!!!

Now, go do the right thing, and buy that Walther!!
Guys, this was a joke. It will turn into war.

I'm glad I like both the same.


I really prefer the 9MM.

Just kidding.......

Go get me my gun, it's the one that says "Bad MOTHERF****R"
Are we all just bored to death.

Ok, they're all great calibers, and all will take out a BG if properly placed, and none will work it not!

Let's have some fun, and learn from each other. Sounds like a great New Year's resolution to me.

And remember, we're all together working toward the right to keep and bear 'em.

9mm more accurate? Gimme a break. They are both as accurate as the shooter.
The .45 does have the priviledge of being used for serious target shooting, so some may say the .45 is more accurate, but no one can even begin to claim it is less accurate.

So, if the 9mm is just as good as the rest, then what is the point of anything more powerful? What's the point of the .357 Magnum? What's the point of the .357 Sig? What's the point of the .40 cal or the 10mm?

It seems to me that there must be SOME advantage to a more powerful round and a larger caliber, or else we might as well all carry the 9mm. The 9mm holds more ammo, kicks less, and is cheap. But, the thing is, I really think there must be SOME advantage to shooting a bigger bullet and/or a more powerful cartidge, otherwise the .38 Special would work just as well as the .357 Magnum. Which of the choices would you rather be shot with, in the exact same location?
Just in case one is better in some area than the other, make sure you have several guns chambered for each caliber (9mm, .357, .40. .44, ,45 etc.) :) No more worries.
To be neutral is not good, thus I have one 9mm and one .45 and plan to have .357 snub nose after a couple of months. But my favorite among my goodies is my big bore giving bigger holes to let out more blood. No blood no life, that's it.

Okay, I can't resist anymore. Here some both barrels at once! I have nothing against the .45ACP and concede that it will put a man down in most cases with one trigger pull----ball,HP or whatever.

That having been said........I challenge all of you wannbe Seals,Green Berets,Recons and Spetnatz (like myself) to bebop down to your favorite mega-range or Thunder Ranch complete with a mock house for shoot/no shoot drills and just see how you handle that lightweight polymer or aluminum framed hand cannon in a stress fire scenario.

I have been guilty of mouthing off about the virtues of the Sig P220 .45ACP and I ate my words after going through a shoot/no shoot exercise. Oddly enough in a best world environment, squared off in your typical shooting lane, I was a tack driver. However, when the moment of truth came and things were less than perfect, I experienced numerous stove pipes do to poor wrist support. I am about 5'9" and tow in at 185 lbs and at that time it was all muscle but the issue was being able to handle a sudden shock from the sonic boom of a lightweight .45 while working with a central nervous system in maximum overdrive not knowing whether a target or victim would pop up in front of me from one second to the next.

I still like the .45ACP but from an all steel platform like--------you guessed it: Ole' slabsides. That old gentleman was designed to be held up over the top of a trench and fired with one hand and they will most of the time.

The 9MM? I love it. One can shoot numerous times and stay within a relatively close proximity to the sweet spot but be sure to be on target.

Many are the times that I have wanted to scream out in a Gun Store as a handgun neophyte was led down the big bore road to complete a sales quota. I started in the auto world with the 9MM and still stand by it. Through time I have come to love the .45ACP but I have an awsome amount of respect for it. No collection is complete without both!

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."

The 9mm is more accurate than the .45 ACP?? Wrong!!! The .45 ACP possesses much more inherent accuracy than the 9mm. Just ask Ammo Manufacturers, IPSC guys or anyone who's a competent reloader and who's had extensive experience "rolling" both.

Understand, this is not a 9MM sucks flame, or any such nonsense. Rather, I would suggest that in a quality weapon either the 9MM or .45 ACP each contain more than enough accuracy to get the job done.

I carried a 9 for over 10 years, but transitioned to the .45 because the weapon I now carry is more accurate and easier to handle than my SIG P226. Also two LE friends experienced poor performance with their 9s when attempting to put BGs down.

Would I hesitate to carry the 9 again? No, it really depends on where I'm at and what I'm doing. I'd feel safe with either, but I give a slight edge to the .45.

The next time you want to compare the accuracy between the 9 and the .45 ACP find two people--one with a SIG P220 and the other with the SIG P226. Have one shooter fire 10 separte strings of 5 rounds each from each weapon. You'll soon have your answer.