9mm Ranger T

Has anyone else had a failure to fully expand with these rounds? I shotnrhem in water to do an expansion test and realize this isnt the most proper method but both bullets expanded fully but failed to expand the sharp petals at all? With conduct one more ballistics in gel to see if this round can e redeemed in my eyes.
Using water as a test medium is a valid test for JHP bullet expansion. If a JHP bullet is going to expand it's going to expand best when shot into water.

Estimating Handgun Hollowpoint Bullet Penetration Using the MacPherson Water Test Method - http://www.firearmstactical.com/briefs5.htm

In addition, Dr. Martin Fackler, who developed the 10% ordnance gelatin solution used today as the gold standard soft tissue simulant, published an article ("Simplified Bullet Effect Testing") in the International Wound Ballistics Association journal "Wound Ballistics Review" (Fall 2001) in which he presented a test method using a 1/2 gallon cardboard milk container filled full of water backed by a box filled with polyester pillow batting to catch the bullet. The bullet would expand in the water and come to rest in the pillow batting undamaged. Then one could use MacPherson's formula to accurately estimate penetration.