9mm pistols, (sorry, long)


New member
Okey dokey. I'm still looking around for an auto pistol. At first i was going to get a 1911 type .45. It was at about the point of looking at ammo for the beast that i realized that since it wasn't going to be a self defense gun (ohio has no CCW), it didn't really need to be a manstopper. So i started looking at the much cheaper (to shoot, anyhow) 9x19mm. Here we come to the meat and potatoes: what is the best gun, preferably full sized in the $350-450 range? When i say "best" i'm looking at reasonable accuracy, reliablility, looks, etc. Weight, since it won't be a carry pistol isn't really an issue. i've been glancing at the CZ-100, and some others. Also the USP.

P.S. I keep reading about the "weird trigger" on glocks. Since the two local gun stores do not have any in just now, (it being X-mas) i'm not sure what this means. are they DA/SA, or DAO, or what? anyhow, thanks in advance.
ok i just realized the CZ-100 is one of the ones that fires DA on every shot. I think that if I really liked that, i would get a revolver. so, what others are there around that aren't that way?
Okay - you wanted a 1911... then decided you wanted a 9mm.

Sounds like you want a Hi Power to me...
You know - you can get a 1911 in 9 if you really want.
My first choice would be a CZ75B. Well made, good design, potentially good trigger if it doesn't come out of the box with one. Very accurate. The only DA given the seal of approval by Jeff Cooper.

For a single action, I'd get a Browning P-35 (Hi-Power) if you can find one.
Greetings, sir. If you can locate one, a Browning HP would be my first recommendation and second would be a CZ75. Best and good shooting.
My recommendation for a good gun in your price range is the Ruger P95.Accuate,damned reliable, and fun to shoot. I know, I own one. If you want to spend $600-$700 dollars, I would recommend the Walther P99. Accurate as he!!, and designed and built for the West German Police and military. I own one of them too!!:O :O

Just as there is no such thing as too much fun,
there is no such thing as owning just one gun!!!
I have seen 2 new P95s break upon the first use.
1st one upon jacking the slide back for the first time. Recoil spring broke.

2nd While firing the first magazine after getting an entire new P95 - same fellow... shot number 4 or 5... Sent the right hand side decock lever flying off the gun.

CZ75B. You can now get it in traditional manula hammer drop, decocker-not able to carry cocked and locked, and single action only! Three choices for an excelent pistol. The HP is sweet too, but it will cost you more, especially since Browning is phasing them out. J&G Sales has the CZ75B variants for $389, with FFL fees and shipping you should be in the $450.

So many pistols, so little money.

If I could only have one gun in that price range, I would buy a used, factory rebuilt Glock 17 which comes with two (17) round hi-cap mags for $389 depending on your market.

In the alternative, I would opt for a Glock 19 with a pair of (15) round hi-cap mags for about $410ish here in Seattle.

Another good option is finding a used Kahr E9. Bought one new for $312. Best out the box DA trigger ever. Smooth as glass but a bit on the long side. Accurate, reliable, built like a tank. Traded mine for a Glock 26 - lots of folks carry in Washington State.

Find a range with rentals and rent them all. I also like the Sig P226 with a pair of (15)round hi-caps for $465 or a P228.

There are a lot of great guns out there. The Browning Hi-Powers are in that price range used but most people modify them. That begs the question: Is the company tailoring the product to consumer wants? I don't think so. Some make theirs target pistols and some use for CC. Good gun but for me, I didn't feel the gun balancing well in my hand. It felt like a brick.

The Rugers are great guns. Built like tanks but not known for their accuracy. But when you pull the trigger, they will go bang.

But ask yourself one question: Why are many law enforcement agencies adopted or phasing out other brands for the Glocks?

Glocks are affordable, accurate tackdrivers that are easy to clean, easy to repair, and are reliable. Accessories like water all over the place. And there are so many Glock owners out there that they have their own national shooting league - the GSSF.

Go to http://www.glocktalk.com/ and ask yourself why that website is always hoppin with talk, advice, friendships - I've shoot with folks off of that website and had a blast.

Once you've used that Glock trigger for a while, you can pick up any Glock and be reasonably proficient with it. I've got (4) trigger systems and shoot them all well. Got or had Glocks, Sigs, Kahrs, HKs, Rugers, Smith Wessons. Just practice and dry fire and you will shoot most guns well!

Go Buckeyes!!!!!!!!!!
Ohio University, 1985
University of Dayton, 1992

The Seattle SharpShooter
If it can't shoot jacketed rad turds powered by rodent farts, I ain't gonna shoot it!
If you aren't looking for a "manstopper", but rather a target shooter, then why not get a .22?

Or do you prefer one that you can keep around the house without carrying it concealed?

If you're looking for something for the latter, then I would add my voice to those who have recommended the CZ75B. That is an outstanding little gun. I am also fairly sure that you could get a Sig Sauer P239 in the price range you mentioned, and it is also a fine weapon (I own one, and I DO carry it).

Glocks are, well, nearly indestructable. But for me, they are not that great. I guess it is the shape of my hands and wrists, but when I grab a Glock (ANY model) and bring it up, my natural hand position always results in the gun being 10-15 degrees too high, and I have to "cock" my wrist down to get the gun in place. That's just me, though, and if you have fired one (a 17, 19, or 26 in 9mm) and it works for you, then get it. You won't be disappointed.

WHATEVER you do, practice, practice, practice!
I'll also recommend a Glock 19. The trigger is different than most other guns but once you get used to it, it's a piece of cake. I learned to shoot on Glocks so pretty much any other trigger feels weird to me :) In fact I recently trade in a HK Compact 9 in on a 19. Nothing wrong with the HK and in fact it was a beautiful gun. Problem was I didn't ever get used to the trigger and ended up never shooting it. Glocks have to be the easiest pistols to maintain and clean.

I'm going to take a trip into 1911 land and try to cure my Glock only trigger fingerv :)
Have you seen the fairly "new" Taurus PT-111? A baby Glock of sorts. Stainless over polymer, 10 round cap. DOA trigger with a real safety. Smaller, lighter than anything in its class (that I'm awair of) only 19 oz. and around six in. long. Keltec but much better. Check out www.taurususa.com Good luck on your quest.
Get yourself CZ-75B, while you still can for
under $400...More and more people seem to
realize what an exceptional pistol it is.
I see CZ-75s being in a much higher price range within a year a so, or in short supply...whatever comes first.

You can always get HK or Glock, if you want
to play with plastic...aka "material of the future".

There are some folks who might ask what carrying a defense gun has to do with a CCW license. If you carry just for fun, you want to be legal. If you carry because someone really is out to get you...
