9mm load testing, warmer loads


New member
So asked for some help the other day for powders for warmer loads. Was working with HP-38 initially. I tested N340 and Power Pistol today. These are all 1 shot velocities working up loads to max. All were safe in my opinion based on what I saw from the brass, primers, and ejection.

As noted Power pistol does seem to have a lot of blast but burned clean. It also seemed to have a wider range from start to max than HP-38 or N340. not sure if the blast is from the bullets going supersonic though since I'm pushing over 1150.

N340 seemed to burn a little dirty in my opinion, although better than the HP-28. It also did not hit the velocities I was hoping for, similar to HP-38.

Now that I know that the loads are safe, I will be loading up some more test loads to get some better velocities as the 1 shot tests were a little inconsistent, to say the least.

Test gun, G19 4" barrel
all 124G XTP seated per Hrn manual at 1.075
all Hrn 115g FMJ seated per Hrn at 1.100
Winchester Small pistol primers used for all
Federal brass used for all

xtp 124
4.4 1041
3.6 1018
4.8 1083
HRN 115 fmj
4.7 1042
4.9 1110
5.1 1190

Power Pistol
xtp 124
5.0 1097
5.2 1067
5.4 1119
5.6 1125
5.7 1173
HRN 115 fmj
6.0 1179
6.2 1201
6.4 1288
6.6 1497 (possible fluke, might have been too close to the chrono)
6.7 1296

xtp 124
3.9 780 barely ejected
4.1 905 barely ejected
4.3 959
4.5 1014
4.6 1022
HRN 115 fmj
4.8 1102, weak ejection
5.0 845, weak ejection, possible chrono fluke
5.2 1099
5.4 1109