9mm in revolver?


New member
Can anyone fill me in on details of 9mm in revolvers? Good and bad reasons and manufactures. Seems to me I saw a Taurus magazine with a little lite snub in it? Just wondering if anyone knows anything.... Thanks for your inputs... Rojoe67 :D
This comes up about once a week. You might want to run a search, because I just can't type anymore about my S&W 940 or the 547. :)
Ruger and Taurus tried them also. The 9mm double action revolver is a solution to a non-existent problem except for some (mostly foreign) police forces who wanted to keep revolvers but use cheap military 9mm ammo. If moon clips are not used, the extractor has to be redesigned to engage the extraction groove of the 9mm case; this makes the extractor complex and expensive, plus those developed have not worked as well as they would have with a conventional rimmed cartridge.

I think it is an idea whose time has went.

(Ruger makes a Single Action dual cylinder model in .38/357 and 9mm, but it uses an ejector rod and has no extraction problem.)


It came back. :D

Taurus is introducing what is effectively an "I" frame 5-shot 9mm that comes with moonclips.

22 oz. stainless
I recently purchased a Taurus M905 9mm, the gun is fine but the Taurus 'stellar' clips are stellar pieces of junk. They are easy to load, but making them easy to load makes them bend very easy and it affects cylinder rotation.

Oh yeah and with the short barrel it's not what I'd call very accurate either.