9mm Bullet sprayers

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Joe the Redneck

New member
I'm considering getting one of those 9mm "assault pistols" This is strictly a "for fun" purchase. One of those things I always ment to buy but didn't. Something along the lines of a Cobray/Mac 11, Tec9, kind of thing. As I'm not going to get s silencer I don't care about a threaded barrel. So long as it takes a 20+ mag, pre or post ban in no problem. My biggest concern is reliablabilty. I know these things are not track drivers.
Not only are they not tack-drivers, they aren't reliable either! ;) A buddy of mine had a tec-9, sometimes you could actually empty a full mag, - sometimes. He didn't have it very long, offered it to me but I wouldn't own a p.o.s. gun like that.
p.s. with that gun it wasn't spray and pray, it was pray that it would spray

[This message has been edited by bergie (edited August 26, 1999).]
Calico pistol with "Kelly" foregrip has always been fun. 100 rounds of 9mm. The trick with the Calico is to keep the magazine properly wound. Not enough and it won't feed reliably.

Micro Uzi another good gun. Reliable and fun.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I would go with the UZI...
It is a Classic.
But the Calico - is very cool looking with that front grip on there.

"America is a melting pot, the people at the bottom get burned while all the scum floats to the top."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
One night at the indoor range several years ago....... A fellow came in with a Tec-9, signed up and went to the line to set up to shoot. I was visiting with a couple of ROs as he started. One RO said '3', the other said '5' and they nodded in agreement. Then watched the guy begin to fire the Tec-9. It stumbled on the 1st or 2nd shot and the RO that said "5" went to the candy machine and bought the other his favorite bar. The prize going to the one closer to the actual number of round that jammed the Tec-9. Apparently they played this game everytime a Tec-9 was brought in and normally the winning number was single digit.
George Kelgren who designed the Tec-9 and sold the company to his partner (rumor has it that it was manufacturing problems not design that caused them) later designed and produces an improved model sold by his new company KelTec in Cocao, FL. You can read about these on the KelTec page and the KelTec user's page. Seems they are popular with their owners, albeit a little expensive compared to Marlin Camp 9's and used Tec-9s. They are available with different grip options that accept different magazines S&W, Glock (I believe) and maybe a third one. If you already have magazines to fit one of the grip options or have access to some then it might be a good deal for you. They are extremely light and portable although I think some complain of the folding wire stock. Can't promise anything as I have never even looked at the specs for them, but I keep running across posts about them on the users board. Good luck, Jim
And Tec-9's made the ban list...WTFO?

If I had any choice in the matter, I'd much rather have some gangbanger attempt to blast away at me with a Tec-9 than something even halfway decent. We should thank Intratec for making a gangbanger matnetic gun that's horribly unreliable, no kidding.

Are Uzi's, or even clones, readily available anymore? I wouldn't mind having one of those sweet Israeli pieces.
I remember going to a local gun show in 91 or 92 and seeing an Micro Uzi pistol for sale. It was used in good condition with a 20 round mag. The guy only wanted $350 for it. Man, if I could only go back in time. I also remeber when FNC's were sold for $4-500 "Before the Dark times. Before the Empire" to quote Obi Wan.
How do the Cobray M11 .380s rate compared to the 9mms? I always wanted one but never got around to it. For what they go for now, I may as well save up a little more and buy a BM Ar15 and get the pistol chambered uppers.
Destructo6, the Chinese Uzi copies turn up from time to time. The are cheaply made like their AKs but I would bet they work. The only downside is that they have the thumbhole type wooden stock, and a 16" bbl. I remember seeing some available with black synthetic (and nickel plated receivers too) Bell & Carlson stocks and if you can find one of those the ergonomics are better.
I saw a tech-9 spray bullets once at a range, the guy using it dropped one of the long 32 round mags straight down on the cement floor and bullets sprayed out of it all over. :)
I can only speak to my experience with my M-11. If you want one, get a pre-ban, it is painful on the hand and the trigger finger if you don't have the barrel extention. Lots of fun, and haven't had any probs with it yet.

I don't know about "readily" available, but the real, gin-you-wine, "Oh my God, he has an assault weapon!" Uzis do pop up occasionally. I have one (Model A), as does my dealer (Model B), and a guy at the trap range (a Micro).

AFAIK, they're no longer on the retail market, but you can still do a private transaction if you can find someone willing to give one up.

"Taking a long view of history, we may say that
anyone who lays down his arms deserves whatever he gets."
--Jeff Cooper
I like 4V50 Gary enjoy shooting my Calico M950 pistol, 100rds of 9mm :) but I leave the kelly grip on my M900 carbine. Question: Is It not an NFA violation to mount a foregrip on the calico pistol ????
I have a Uzi model B carbine. Witnessed a buddy of mine hit a cow pie at 100+ yards on the first shot. The gun will digest just about anything. I have seen it fire and cycle ammo that would jam in a HK94 (brass would fall down inside of the trigger group- a dangerous pain in the ass.)

The downside is that it is a little heavy, but the recoil is almost non existent! The triggers are a little heavy also. If you can find it, it's a classic that is a must buy!

Forgot to mention, there are 45 and 22lr conversion kits floating around for the Uzi Carbines.

[This message has been edited by RCH (edited August 27, 1999).]
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