9mm Ammo ID needed


I found a couple of thousand rounds of this stuff that I had forgotten about.
I have probably had it 15 years sealed in ammo cans, I am sure that it is probably corrosive but I just don't remember where I got it from or anything about it. On one side of the box it is stamped 011161 PS and the other side is
stamped 6006 on top of 2272. Does anyone know anything about this ammo?


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It's Finnish.

Pretty sure sinoxid primers are noncorrosive. Teräsvaippa means steel jacketed. VPT apparently means Valtion Patruunatehdas somethingorother ("state ammunition factory") and may have something to do with Lapua but I don't know for sure if that's accurate or not.

And it's hot. I remember somebody saying it was too damn hot and beat up pistols, but I can't remember who at the moment...
Sinoxid is the non corrosive priming used in some German ammo like Geco and RWS, as I recall, so good to go there. Are you implying that this stuff is like black tip SMG ammo, too hot for handguns? Maybe a Google search would help with that.
On second thought, it may have been Swede 9mm that I remember somebody ranting about. If I was mistaken, I hereby appologise to the fine nation of Finland.:)