98 Mauser 9mm Trigger Adjustment?


New member
That's a typo. Its a 8mm of course.
Is the 98 Mauser trigger adjustable w/original trigger? Its pretty heavy with a little creep.

I was told by a friend it isn't adjustable and to just spend the $ and buy a Timney. Midway has them on sale this month for $50 and $70 I think. If I should go with one of the Timneys, which one and what is the difference besides $20?

Idealy, I want to get a 3-4 # crisp pull. Don't care about take up, just creep.


"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)

[This message has been edited by EQUALIZER (edited November 01, 1999).]
Equalizer, your friend is right. The trigger isn't adjustable although they can be worked over by a smith to be very nice. Still, all in all, you'll be money ahead with the Timney. George
Equalizer, I'd go with the Sportsman. But another you might consider is the Dayton-Traister. Cost a little less but they are good triggers and the ones I've seen for the Mausers are completely drop in. George
Thank you very much, George!

I noticed both in Brownells for a good price. Since cost isn't a factor, do you have a preference between Timney Sportsman and the Dayton Traisters?
Equalizer, to tell you the truth I hadn't given that much thought but now that you mention it I only have Dayton-Traister triggers on my own Mausers. George