96FS vs. P226 vs. Glock 22 vs. USP 40

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New member
Any reason to spend more than say around $450 for a 96FS or a Glock 22 for a P226 or a USP .40? I've yet to hear a bad thing about the Sig P226, but wonder whether it's worth the extra 150+ bucks. (I'll pay up for true intrinsic quality, but not for hype.)

[This message has been edited by MLT (edited August 24, 1999).]
All fine guns. Pick the one that feel best in your hand. If the SIG, or H&K feel much better in your hand than anything else, and you feel that you will shoot better with it, then by all means, go for it.
I have a SIG P226 and 2 Glocks. Both are superb performers. For defensive use, I would pick a Glock just because it's simpler and points best for me. Plus it's the most rugged gun out there today. But that does not mean the other guns you are considering are not good.
Take your pick.
MLT; There's not a loser in the bunch. I like the Beretta Centurion in .40 cal or the glock 23 because they're more size efficent. The compact USP is sweet too! Good luck.
I have owned all (or a variant of) of the guns you have listed. If I were to do it again, I would go with the HK and skipped the rest.

I like the Glocks as a second choice, then the Beretta.

I personally (I know this isn't popular) don't care for the Sig, especially when you look at it dollar wise. They are more expensive than the Glock or Beretta, and if you are willing to lay out that kind of money, why not go with the HK. The HK's more durable and most importantly you have the multi mode options. If you don't like DA/SA, you can go with an SA w/the safety on, or DAO or DAO with a safety, or safety on the left side...

But when all is said and done, they are all first rate guns. Shoot them all first and go with the HK... well, the one that fits you best.


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Before you run out & buy an H&K USP, I would suggest you look at the thread about "USP opinions" posted by "Joe Mama", especially the 26th posting in which Joe finally buys (2) brand new USP's & (1) fails & jams consistantly with the 1st magazine. Does that sounds like a reliable gun??? Stick with SIG. I have a USP & (4) SIG's & obviously I am slightly opinionated. I also wrote a few items in that thread, but let's see if you're as stubborn as he is & regrets your purchase even after being informed about shortcomings of each type of gun.
Well, I'll have to disagree with the SIG being better than the HK. Better trigger, yes, better reliability (and especially durability) no. And don't forget you can now have HK install the Match trigger group in newer USPs - I've heard really good things :).

My Beretta failed to lock back the slide after the last shot was fired. It wasn't the magazine or mag spring. When it was finally "fixed" it would lock back when there were still rounds in the mag. Got rid of it.

My wife's SIG would fail to extract about once a magazine, and got worse as it broke in. The worst kind of jam, as you need two (sometimes three ;)) hands to clear it. Just got it back from SIG - they replaced the recoil spring and tested it with ball and HP ammo, and said it works fine now. I'll know by Monday. BTW, this was a brand new pistol.

My USP40 has never, ever failed in any way, through thousands of rounds.

My brother's USP40 has never failed in any way, through a few thousand rounds.

My Kahr MK40 has never failed, through about 500 rounds.

So, from my *personal* experience, SIG and Beretta aren't as reliable as HK and Kahr. I don't have any personal experience with Glocks as I don't like the trigger. Of the weapons listed in the thread title, I'd go first with the HK, then SIG, then Beretta, then Glock. Just my personal choices.
Sounds like you need to shoot the Sig and the HK - and decide wich one works best for you... That will answer your questions...

"America is a melting pot, the people at the bottom get burned while all the scum floats to the top."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Problems with these guns:


1. Not so HE finish. Dust will take this guns finish off--light dust.
2. The trigger is so-so. Really not as bad as some people let on--certainly better than the Glock.
3. The thing is bulky.
4. It has a short barrel for its size.
5. It has a short sight radius for its size.
6. It has a high bore-axis.

1. Bad saftery...or is that no saftey.
2. Crappy trigger.
3. If it jams you will be accused of "limp wristing."
4. The 40 explodes if not fd properly.

1. Flimsy construction in the old guns--my 228 started to work itself apart from the first few shots.
2. k-rappy finish--wears off if you look at it wrong.
3. the grip feels so good you won't like your other guns.
I noticed that the finish on the frame of my new Sig 229 started to chip on the frontstrap after only a few range sesssions. And although the 229's grip felt good in my hand I found that the HK grip was still a better fit for me.
As far as reliability goes...I had numerous feeding problems with my 229. Maybe it just needed to be broken in some more; my gunsmith told me to see if it improves after a few hundred rounds. Instead of going that route I sold it to buy another HK. No regrets.
Hey rich if I have to I'll come to your house and make you shoot my usp........and after you've apologised for going out of your mind and saying crazy things....I'll leave... ;) ;)

Just a joke (I don't let anyone shoot my usp ) ;)

I have not has the opportunity to fire USP, so I cannot make a sound judgement. The 96FS is a beautiful weapon...just a bit large (in any caliber) for concealed usage, but for open carry i have had no problems with it or the Taurus knock of for that matter...just a good design. The Glock by far has the best reputation for being a durable weapon and I will admit that for all practical purposes the glock is probably one of the finest weapons ever made...period, but it is such a poor fit in my hand that I will probably never own one. The Sig226 is my personal favorite at the moment. A two-tone 226 in 9mm will serve as a primary home defence weapon should anything weird happen with Y2K. This weapon is designed so well that the girth of the weapon does not hinder even my petite wife from hogging the rande with it. The 226 points straight, shoots straight, and will handle most anything you put through it. I guess I'm sold on Sig at the moment. My wife sure is...

All fine weapons, My personal favorite is the Beretta 96FS Owned one for years and it shoots Sweeeeeet! Out of the box great accuracy, reliability and functionality. Shot groups are tight and the weapon is easily controllable when you have to realign the sight picture after the first shot!! My order of precedence would be the Beretta then the Sig, H&K and then the Glock All fine weapons, it is the ergonomics of each that will be the final selling point. Good Luck.....

...Those that are willing to give up some of their rights for a little security deserve neither...Benjamin Franklin

Take care and God Bless, El Jefe
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