922 (r) imported "assaultweapon" ban


There is alot of wrong information here about 922r and how it applies to the SKS and AK.

Here is the actual subsection from the ATF website:


“It shall be unlawful for any person to assemble from imported parts any semiautomatic rifle or
any shotgun which is identical to any rifle or shotgun prohibited from importation under
the…[GCA]…Section 925(d)(3)…as not being particularly suitable for or readily adaptable to
sporting purposes….”
Also, 27 C.F.R. § 478.39 states—
“…(a) No person shall assemble a semiautomatic rifle or any shotgun using more than 10 of the
imported parts listed in paragraph (c) of this section if the assembled firearm is prohibited from
importation under section 925(d)(3) as not being particularly suitable for or readily adaptable to
sporting purposes…..
(b) The provisions of this section shall not apply to:
(1) The assembly of such rifle or shotgun for sale or distribution by a licensed
manufacturer to the United States or any department or agency thereof or to any State or any
department, agency, or political subdivision thereof; or (2) The assembly of such rifle or shotgun
for the purposes of testing or experimentation authorized by the Director under the provisions of
[§478.151(formerly 178.151)]; or (3) The repair of any rifle or shotgun which had been imported
into or assembled in the United States prior to November 30, 1990, or the replacement of any
part of such firearm.
(c) For purposes of this section, the term imported parts [tabulated below] are:
(1) Frames, receivers, receiver
castings, forgings, or castings.
(2) Barrels.
(3) Barrel extensions.
(4) Mounting blocks (trunnions).
(5) Muzzle attachments.
(6) Bolts.
(7) Bolt carriers.
(8) Operating rods.
(9) Gas pistons.
(10) Trigger housings.
(11) Triggers.
(12) Hammers.
(13) Sears.
(14) Disconnectors.
(15) Buttstocks.
(16) Pistol grips.
(17) Forearms, handguards.
(18) Magazine bodies.
(19) Followers.
(20) Floor plates.
As a result of a 1989 study by the U.S. Treasury Department regarding the importability of
certain firearms, an import ban was placed on military-style firearms. This ban included not only
military-type firearms, but also extended to firearms with certain features that were considered to
be “nonsporting.”
Among such nonsporting features were the ability to accept a detachable magazine;
folding/telescoping stocks; separate pistol grips; and the ability to accept a bayonet, flash
suppressors, bipods, grenade launchers, and night sights.

Please note that the foreign parts kits that are sold through commercial means are usually cut up
machineguns, such as Russian AK-47 types, British Sten types, etc. Generally, an acceptable
semiautomatic copy of a machinegun is one that has been significantly redesigned. The receiver
must be incapable of accepting the original fire-control components that are designed to permit
full automatic fire. The method of operation should employ a closed-bolt firing design that
incorporates an inertia-type firing pin within the bolt assembly.
Further, an acceptably redesigned semiautomatic copy of nonsporting firearm must be limited to
using less than 10 of the imported parts listed in 27 CFR § 478.39(c). Otherwise, it is considered
to be assembled into a nonsporting configuration per the provisions of 18 U.S.C. 925(d)(3) and is
thus a violation of § 922(r).
less than 10

Can we take points off for poor grammar? The phrase should be "fewer than 10."


PS "Less" properly refers to bulk quantities, e.g., "Less snow than yesterday." "Fewer snow than yesterday" sounds pretty, well, ungrammarly, eh? Our local supermarket has a lane marked "Express Lane: Twelve Items or Fewer." Huzzah!
i think the whole thing is wrong. you should be able to use any if not all the parts without penalization, fines or imprisonment.
this is a cut and paste from the BATF website.

Any information that disagrees with this information is wrong.

I don't think he meant "wrong" as in "incorrect", but rather "wrong" as opposed to "right". :mad:

(The worst part about the whole imported assault weapons nonsense is that it's not even a law; it's a regulation based on a presidential directive. It could go away with the stroke of the President's pen. Maybe someday we'll have a pro-gun President. :( )
I recently talked to a local man, a retired 2 Star General who is running for US congress this november. I asked him what his view on the 2nd amendment was, and i quite liked his response. He said "You have the right to bear arms, so if you can bear it, you should be able to own it. Obviously you cant bear an M1 Abrahms tank, so that should be illegal, but there should generally be no restriction on any firearm you can bear under your own weight"


Good stuff :D
I have seen alot of converted but not legal

Hey guys ...I have been seeing alot of converted Mak-90's with the regular pistol grip that are suppose to have the thumb hole stocks .
They look great but have passed on a few for that reason ... I have never heard of anyone being prosecuted for 922 ...for the right price I would have bought the gun and made them legal , but for the price they wanted and after buying all the conversion parts you could just by one thats legal .
Then when you ask the seller if it has the correct parts they just play dumb .
If the gun has the required number of parts replaced with US made parts they are still legal.

This becomes tricky when the weapon has the correct number of parts only if a US made magazine or magazine parts are used. The gun is legal until you insert the wrong magazine into it then its a 922 violation.
Ok, it states American made parts... Do you have to buy them or can an American citizen just make these parts? Or does that fall under some stinking hidden texts in the law that says that they have to be purchased, perhaps to 'stimulate the economy'?:barf:
When it comes to a DA looking for excuses to harass you, are you sure you want to use homemade parts?
That would be kinda like dangling a steak in front of a dog, expecting him to not eat it.
No person shall assemble a semiautomatic rifle or any shotgun using more than 10 of the imported parts listed in paragraph (c)

This confuses me a bit. What does this mean in real language? For example, on an SKS, how many parts do you need to replace with US made parts in order for a conversion kit to be legal? I have heard different answers from different people. :?
Now I wouldn't dare imply that anyone should ever consider breaking a law, but I've *heard* that no one has literally EVER been successfully prosecuted for domestic parts count.

Based on most folks knowledge of the law, I wouldn't doubt it.
Its a grey area sometimes.
I'll start a new thread to try and explain.

Gimme a bit to write it up and I'll come back here and post a link.
When people have written the BATF for clarification the BATF responses reinforce adhereance to 922r. Then again, I've yet to read about any prosecutions and just recently a couple of cop killers in Philly just used a "non-compliant" SKS in a cop-murder.