90 Suicides per day in Japan


New member
It seems that one of the gun free Mecca's that our gun control friends are always pointing to as an example we should strive to emulate is suffering a record suicide rate.
Approximately 90 people a day ended their lives in Japan last year, presumably without the assistance of that instrument of the Devil, the dreaded gun.
Not that I expect any FACTS to alter the rhetoric of the anti's. Suicide figures ARE really helpful when you want to inflate the overall murder rate by adding them in.
So if we were to apply Brady-style logic to that little factoid, we could deduce that gun bans are responsible for the high suicide rate. Then we can go in front of every camera in sight pleading and begging, "If it saves just one life..."
If I had to eat Raw fish all the time Id probably off myself too!!!3d

We rally 'round the family with a pocket full of shells......
As far as I know the Japanese have been the top suiciders as long as there have been some statistics. I have heard that for a Japanese male it is nearly impossible to "loose face" and just continue living like before.

I saw a TV-program about unemployed men in Japan. Many of these guys don't tell their families they have lost their jobs, but instead leave home every morning like going to work. The program also said the suicide rate is extremely high among men who loose their jobs, or are otherwise "loosers".

The problem in Japan seems to be that it the society is too "hard", there is no acceptable way to be a "looser".

I visited Asia last Spring which included a stop in Japan. No wonder why these folks are checking themselves out, they live like ants in a congested colony, stepping all over each other. In addition, the cost of living there is absolutely incredible (high). One could conclude that the pressure to survive in such an environment would be enough to justify the stress needed to take one's own life.

Asia in general is extremely overpopulated from what I saw. And the polution...gasp!
now now, there just cant be a pollution problem in japan they keep telling us (via the UN) how to better the environment don't they..
This really is significant when you examine the data. Look at the high incidence among "children" 10-19. That is the same age group that, in this country, goes out and kills someone else to feel better. The only difference seems to be that, culturally, the Japanese kill themselves only rather than suicide while killing many.
Some years back there was a TV special on the incredible pressures put on their kids
to pass a certain test to determine whether they would advance to higher education. Weeks long "cram" sessions, etc. If you bombed, you were relegated to the bottom of the food chain. A Brave New World indeed.
And these are the people of the New World Order whom Americans are to emulate?
In the famous words of Benton Quest, "Pound sand!"
I hope no one is gloating over the suicides in Japan or rather the huge increase in suicides in Japan. Japans economy is sinking fast which will soon really affect our economy: one of several factors that probalby will destroy our economy within a year. Our debt ridden economy is headed for a collision course with reality. Once the stock market tanks, America has nothing left to fall back on;little or no industry left, hardly any small farmers left, a huge government welfare state,and a huge population not used to hardships or skills that our grandparents had. Talk about Japanese suicides?