8mm rifle ammo with Nazi eagle headstamp... how collectable ???

a buddy of mine has asked me to sell a couple things for him at the gun show coming up this weekend...

one of the Items is around 300 rounds of 8mm ammo in spring clips made in '43, with Nazi eagle headstamps... I think he wants just surplus ammo price, but IMO, it should be more collectable than that...

is it ??? got a ball park on value ???
Probably just shooting ammo, but the big question...is it 8x56R Mannlicher or 8x57 Mauser? Most likely the former.
He knows just what it is, I'll have to find out so I can label it correctly...

most likely the former, as it doesn't look anything like my 7 X 57 Mauser cartridges
i got some of the 8x56r ammo & the rifle along with it...kicks like a mule!the 56r ammo is very hard to come by these days around here at least.
I've not even been able to find anyone that has this ammo in stock on line...

anyone know of a place that actually has it ??? what are they charging, or got a link ??? or if you have bought some lately, what did you have to pay for it ??? thanks
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Thanks guys the one link has the exact ammo he has, same year manufacture nazi head stamp $39.95 a box of 10 with clips... BTW... we'll be selling for quite a bit less than that...I haven't decided final pricing, but it'll be more similar to the price of that bulgarian ammo at like around $16.00 a box if anyone want some before 5:00 pm on Friday, when I head to the show let me know...
Holly Bulgarian ammo Batman, Ive got about 400 rnds just like it, on the clips in boxes. Bought if from S.O.G or one of them a few years ago for $3.95 a box.
I might just have to shop that stuff around for a trade on a new toy or $ to buy one!!!

edit Still have the receipt because I ordered it along with an 1895 Steyr.
10 rnds on clips $1.95 ea.
Moral of the story: Get as much surplus ammo as you can when it is avaliable!
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Early on...

I talked to my local FFL, as I know he somewhat collects Nazi stuff... he said he'd give us $2.00 a box...( he's been out of that caliber for quite a while, but he looked it up, & that's what he paid last time he bought it )... I brought a print out of those web prices yesterday, & told him politely "no thanks", & if I had any left after the show, I'd give him the chance to revise that offer...:rolleyes:
if we all could find ammo for $2.00 a box....HEAVEN !!
last time i seen sulpus ammo at that price was around 15 years ago or so.
Just as an FYI... I sold it all... about 1/4 at $16.00 a box, then the balance to a shooter, who paid $9.00 a box for the rest ( less one box I kept for my cartridge collection...:)
I can still buy 8MM from several catalog houses for $100 for a 400 round tin. Rumanian or Turkish. A model '98K Mauser in good shape will sell for $150-$300 depending on condition. They are still too numerous to bring cllector prices except for unique specimens. Between my sons and I we have 9 mausers.
I can still buy 8MM from several catalog houses for $100 for a 400 round tin. Rumanian or Turkish. A model '98K Mauser in good shape will sell for $150-$300 depending on condition.
That's 8X57, still a lot of it around.
I think it turned out that the OP was about 8X56R Hungarian for the Steyr Manlicher M95
I've got 3 (I think) boxes of 1936 8mm Mauser, Nazi marked, in the orignal boxes, looking brand new. Have had it for many years. NO WAY I am shooting that stuff!;)

While its just old milsurp ammo to some people, WWII and pre WWII ammo (from anybody) is collectable, and the only difference is how much its worth, and how in demand it is (which affects its value) right now.

Got some 1943 .303 British stuff too. Not gonna shoot it either. To a greater or lesser degree, everything WWII has some collector interest, and its only going to get more valuable, as time goes by.

Back in the 70s, I shot up a bunch of 1918 .30-06. Today, I really wish I hand't done that.;)
Really! I have a couple 50cal cans of 303 Brit. Radway Green WWII I bought not that long ago for blasting ammo in my SMLEs. I've never herd the stuff was collectible. Many posts on a C&R Forum consider it as so-so for shooting. It's charged with cordite, and shoots with a lot of click-bangs.
Do you know of an ammo collectors sight? Maybe I can find out a little more info there.
Heck, if all this surplus ammo I have is worth that much I can sell it and buy me some REAL guns!;););)LOL