8mm mag necked to .30


New member
I have heard of this refered to as .300 Asherst, and I'd like to know if anyone has heard of this, or had any experience with this caliber? I have understood that it is supposed to be capable of acceptable accuracy out to 1200 yards. Other than this I have hot been able to find any information about it.
Shade, There has been experiments done along this line and some shooters prefer something different as a matter of choice. It is contrary to logical thought to expect improvement in a cartridge just by changing caliber. The 8mm Rem Mag was developed in 1978 and required a long action. Shooters were being exposed to very accurate short cartridges along about that time and it didn't catch on. Americans have always hung on to 30 cals, whereas Europeans preferred 8mm's. There isn't any magic in either and switching from one to the other hasn't been revolutionary. Any change seems to be a matter of personal preference. Availability of accurate bullets seems to guide the competition/wildcat/long range shooter more than anything else. Twelve hundred yards isn't impressive among 30 cal cartridges like the 300 Wby, 300 Win Mag, 30-378, and other proprietary cartridges. Wildcat cartridges are being developed everyday but only rarely does one set us back on our rumps like the 6mm PPC. We have found out that back porch bullet developers very rarely come up with a superior cartridge but occasionally they do. More velocity takes the back seat to better bullets and barrels, and better wind readers all the time. Necking cases down from 8mm to 30 cal. is fun, but hasn't rung any chimes on the 1000 range yet. Now the 6mm wildcats are making us take notice and also a few 22 cals. Check what is being shot, not what is being discussed for empirical knowledge about cartridge development in the long range shooting game.

[This message has been edited by Doc Lisenby (edited 11-29-98).]
I see by your personal info that you are a benchrest shooter. know of any good sites on the net where the rest of us can find some information?
Fal, for starters try http:www.benchrest.com/wwwboard/index.cgi Now this is where the "heavies" hang out. Don't expect light "Rambo" "tactical" discussions. Esoteric precision shooting "on your butt" terminology is the rule. A flame can get started spontaneously over; moly, case turners, powder measures, rests, wind flags, and powder types. Opinionated shooters galore who prove their points by out- shooting other opinionated shooters and display proof of it by shooting itsy bitsy groups which have to be measured with 0-1" micrometers. I had to join them when I got too old to get in Highpower Rifle competition positions. Lot of fun but I do miss rolling around on a wet poncho and framing the target at a thousand and pulling targets with Ol' Carlos. En'nui is a bitch. Doc