870 trigger assembly removal question


New member
I was planning on tearing down and cleaning the trigger assembly this weekend. I have never taken the 870 trigger apart before and was wondereing if yall had experienced any difficulties in the past that you could share with me.

Also, how do I remove the safety to replace with big-head safety?

Where can I find disassembly diagrams for the 870?

The REmington website have some instructions, BUT they do not have ones for the Trigger group disassembly. I guess they discourage us from doing that.

I drop mine about once a year, use gun scrubber, and a spray lube. No disassembly.

As for big head safeties, remember the bigger it is, the easier it is to knock off by accident. A little practice gets you fast and sure with the standard one.
I pulled these instructions off another site a couple of years ago and used them to successfully change the safety on my 870:

Knock out the two pins that hold the trigger assembly in the receiver and remove it. Directly above the safety you will see a small (about 3/32") pin running horizontally. Use a punch to push this pin out. WARNING! This pin retains the detent ball and spring for the safety. You will the vertical hole for them above the pin. Hold your finger over the hole or you'll be looking for the spring. Once the pin is out, remove the spring and detent ball. The safety should now be able to be removed and replaced with the new safety. The detent ball and spring are then replaced and the pin re-inserted.

I like the oversized safety and have had no problems with it coming off accidentally.

As for cleaning the trigger assembly, I like some G96 and a stiff toothbrush to get out the unburned powder and other gunk.

[This message has been edited by PJR (edited October 14, 2000).]
Here's a little tip. I find a golf tee to be the ideal instrument to punch out the pins holding the trigger assembly.


"Never turn your back on the crew."
Captain,that would mean having to play golf.

A golf course is a deliberate misuse of a perfectly good rifle range(G)....
Agree with you Dave. I don't understand why someone would walk 400 yards to look for a little ball they just had a minute ago. And, then once they find it just turn around and try to lose it all over again.

I got my tee because I am the proud owner of one of them Cracker Barrel games.


"Never turn your back on the crew."
I am in good company here. Golf is a game which continues to escape me. Knocking a ball serves very few practical purposes. First is to allow a shotgunner an opportunity for a difficult target. It's smaller than a clay pigeon and it's flight pattern is irregular. Second, it offers an opportunity for the rifleman to practice his precision shooting. Otherwise, golf courses are a fine waste of open space.