870 rifled barrel, movement, fasten to receiver


i have a 870 20 gauge that i just put a rifled barrel on it is a remington barrel, when i sight it in it shoots good and then it will shott the same group 2 to 4 inches to the right or left then after a while it will move again i have noticed some movement in the barrel to receiver , i saw remington has a new slug gun were the pin the receiver to the barrle is this possible with my set up it looks like they drilled and tapped a hole from the receiver to the side of the barrel and ran a set screw or threaded plug in the hole
is this possible to do or has anyone done it
Friend epoxied his barrel to the reciever and did away with the same problem.

Once it is done though, there is not much turning back......
Your observation about changing zero is not unheard of with a receiver mounted scope or receiver mounted rear sight. The obvious solution is the cantilevered scope mount that doesn't involve the receiver. But, it you want a receiver mounted scope or long radius open sights, some method of anchoring the barrel is desirable.

In the past there have been discussions on pinning the barrels of stick guns with receiver mounted sights. The pinning usually results in a gun with a fixed barrel. But, not everyone wants a dedicated slug gun as the epoxied pin seems permanent.

In an earlier thread, where a less permanent solution was wanted, I suggested the possibility of positioning the scope base/rail, on the receiver, above the barrel tang, so the mounting holes align and the receiver (a Mossberg aluminum, IIRC) is sandwiched between the scope base/rail and the barrel tang. With Remington's steel receiver, you wouldn't need the sandwich arraignment. The barrel restraining screws could have the appearance of OEM scope mount hole filler screws. Postings at other forums indicate success with either of the top screw methods.

Does anyone have specifics on a Remington factory pinned barrel? They don't go out of their way to show us how it's done.
Get a cantilevered scope mount for the barrel. I believe Remington makes a barrel with the cantilever mount.

a cantilevered scope mount for the barrel will solve most of the problem. The issue is not at the receiver it is at the barrel band. The slop there is on purpose so that the barrel can move about to accommodate the torque applied to the forend as we aggressively engage the working parts.

A temp fix for this issue is to use brass shim stock to remove most the slop from the barrel band and use a strap wrench to add "just a bit" more tightness to the magazine cap nut. tinker with this a bit until you get the right slip fit on the barrel band, when you change barrels mark the layers of shim stock for future use.

By the way, when shimming the barrel band, make sure the sights are TopDeadCenter to the rest of the gun.

Good luck and be safe.