870 problem


New member
yesterday after hunting some coyote i put a spent hull in the chamber so i could dry fire w/o hurting the gun. Well, the bolt will not open and eject the hull and the slide release lever is suppresed. there is some play in the pump arm.

yesterday after hunting some coyote I put a spent hull in the chamber so i could dry fire w/o hurting the gun.
I don't completely understand this action but that's okay. Does the spent shell, partially out or not at all? If you do a search on the 870, you will see many posts on this problem. I'm gong to assume that your 870 is an Express. I know it seems like a big problems but work on it and when you get it out, check your base for signs of dragging or scribing. I know I had a problem with hanging on a burr at the six oclock location at the barrell breech. Good luck and please let us know how you made out.

Be Safe !!!
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i just do that so when i pull the trigger, the hammer has something to rest on instead of keep travling.

the hull is partly showing
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I just dry fire when I am done or going to store it. With bolts I hold the trigger when closing it. I have never broke a pin. I would not do this just to practice but dont think you would hurt it putting it away. I dont know if it's just me or if it has got better, I dont recall anyone breaking a firing pin for a very long time.
Grab the shotgun by the forearm and bang the buttstock on the floor until it opens. Clean the chamber really good with a copper wire brush, and FOR PETE SAKES, don't put anymore empties back in the gun. :)
Shotgun hulls swell after being fired and putting one back in after cooling? i dont know about that one? Dosnt seem like a good idea to me,buy some good snap caps.
Shotgun hulls swell after being fired and putting one back in after cooling? i dont know about that one?
All breechloading rounds must swell during firing, to seal the breach end of the barrel. They shrink slightly when the pressure drops, but they will always be bigger after firing than before because they don't completely shrink.
Another thing that may help, is if it's a newer 870 QC has really gone down. And as a result alot of chambers are not properly polished, alot of very rough edges can be found inside. If you properly polish up your chamber it might help, won't hurt.
I got the problem fixed, I hit the stock against the ground (I really didn't want to do this) and held on to the forearm. the lip of the hull tore and released the bolt, the hull was still chambered and wouldn't budge!!! I finally got it out with my bore cleaning rod. thankyou for all the advice I think my descent in elevation had something to do with it