870 feeding question


New member
What would make an 870 not dump a shell out of the tube so it can be loaded into the chamber. Just racking it without firing it will sometimes fail to dump one out of the tube to load. Does this have anything to do with wear, a defective part, or what?

It could be that the magazine tube spring is not stout enough, or the tube itself could be dirty. I would clean the tube and replace spring. Also check and see if the spring is binding, or binding on a burr. Sling Shot
Need more info.

1st do what Sling Shot said.

Does it have a magazine tube extension?

How old is it? How much has it been fired?

Is it clean and lubed?

Bent or worn action bars or shell stops can cause the problem. Hold the gun upside down or on the side so you can watch the shells. Tha first shell should pop out of the magazine when you open the action and the next shell should be against the stops. If a shell doesn't come out of the magazine check to see if there is spring pressure pushing the shell. That should tell you if it's a magazine problem or an action bar/shell stop problem.
I doubt it's a shell stop problem, usually they feed two, not one, and tie up the action.

First thing I suggest would be to take it apart and clean/light lube everything. While doing this, see if either action bar shows a bend,excessive wear marks, or even peening at the tip.Naturally, the inside of the mag tube gets cleaned, and maybe even the steel wool/dowel/electric drill treatment. If no damage is evident, put it together and see if the problem persists.

Also, Greg, how old and how much used is that 870?