Don't waste your money on the "genuine Remington" chokes. They are the WORST I have ever seen. If you really want some I will make you one heck of a deal on a full set of them.
For starters they are not round, most I have measured will run .004-.006" out of round. They also are rarely the constriction marked. I have 3 modifieds that are .020" different from large to small, and NONE of them are actually modified in constriction. I have in the neighborhood of 15 Remington made chokes I have aquired over the years. I can make one set out of what I have but not two sets having them round and the appropriate constriction.
Remington chokes will run you $18-22 each, the aftermarkets $20-50. You can buy a whole lot better choke for $25 if you go aftermarket.
The best choke for the money on the market is Hastings. The best choke on the market is Briley. The Hastings might just be as good as the Briley. Get extended chokes too, when you need a wrench to change one you won't have it. You can tighten them by hand plenty tight, there is no worry about them coming loose.
For slugs of the Forster type an improved cylinder is a good choice, and it works well with buckshot out to about 30 yards on a man sized target, that is why you see most tactical guns with the IC choking. If you do much hunting you will want a full choke, same for target shooting at extended ranges. IC and Modified will cover most anything inside of 35 yards.
It really is a shame that the choke tubes by Remington are so bad, their fixed choke barrels of years past are absolutely fantastic.