$800,000,000 for pro-gun defense activities!!


New member
IF we could get $10 from each of the some 80,000,000 gun owners, we could clobber the antis with all kinds of "defensive" moves - media, training, suit defense, politicos.

Now - how do we go about this?
The only way that this is going to happen is it is shomehow painless... ie.. a tax on the purchase of guns, wherein the funds are put in a special trust fund... not likely to happen as then the government would have to get involved.

This is what the NRA is trying to do with their fees set at $35.00 And they can only get 4,000,000 members. No, sorry to say, I don't think there is much chance of this happening.
Do FFLs care enough?

The "tax" would be voluntary and could be as part of the gun sales and donatable to a trust to supply attys with money to defend those pursecuted by the feds and local governments.

I have often wondered if there is a national association of FFLs that could set up a legal defense fund for FFLs. And since the consumers are funding this through their purchases, you could help them if they get snagged in a BATF sting for daring to sell your 10/22 for a "profit" at a gun show.

Well, now...

I can understand both thoughts, but I'd hesitate to "give" the money to others... the whole purpose (in my mind) is to develop a "war chest" - by the owners and for the owners - essentially FOR the purposes of gun ownership and support ... 2nd Amendment rights. This so we can truly keep the antis from running bill after bill, regulations and executive orders, etc., etc., etc. Obviously we'd have to have some real truebloods managing such an effort.

Let's face it - money is power and power is just about a necessity in our case. The real problem is that of uniting gun owners - really uniting them. So the initial pot would have to go to recruitment for the idea and pushing the seriousness of inaction. Look at SB.25 that Feinstein, Schumer, and Boxer just dropped in the hopper - (Oatka's post) at http://www.thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=56843. Then READ the bill at http://thomas.loc.gov (search on SB25). These people and those like them will never stop until it's so out of vogue they'd never bother.

My personal opinion on this entry is it will make Bush look bad AND it will immediately put Ashcroft on the hot seat. They'll do anything to get their way, even gum up the works so they can get a shot in '04. Noise, harassment, and wasted time.

You miss my point.

These bad laws, and the legal stretches that the BATF attempts are enforced via court order. The BATF counts on attacking people who have little means to fund their own attorney. A general legal defense fund would slow the BATF and the US Atty Office considerably. At the very least, you would see fewer defendants succumbing to the urge to get a public defender who would tell him to cop a plea and to rat out his friends.

Aren't we talking about the same thing? A general legal defense fund would be part of this (with enough $$$) as I originally said above ... "suit defense". But, I sincerely hope the fund(s) would NOT be in the control of government - at any level.
There are too many "They're not coming for my guns; and, besides, I don't own any of those bad guns anyway" types out there.

They won't join the NRA because they are "too radical".

They won't join GOA for thr same reason.

They won't join JPFO because they aren't Jewish.

They won't join any organization because "It costs too much."

They won't join in the fight at all until the knock comes on the door -- and then it will be too late; and they will whine "Why didn't someone do something?"
Is there a national FFL association? Have they not thought of this?

I find the typical FFL to be politically neutered by his special relationship with Big Brother.

I think Senator Tom Dodd planned it that way. You?

Rick, I can't answer that - little input.

I believe though, if FFLs did, it would be more the agenda of "doing business" rather than a push for freedom, rights, etc. for their customers.

Maybe we should take a leaf from the abortion critics - pro-choice! Yes, that sounds right... non-gunners should be just that, and gunners that. Choice - without the rhetoric. Of course, as it stands now, that philosophy won't work. There are too many hopped up social animals making noises - unfortunately enough of them are in high places (money/authority/politics/media, in that order) so they can convince others to push "The Cause". Trouble is, most folks get het up about something they see/hear/read but they never look for the agenda behind it (like ALL folks get to wear black pajamas or blue tunics). Maybe I've seen too many movies, but what if ... nah, never mind - I won't go there.

An idea that would WORK...already given to.......

The NRA..........I E mailed a proposition for something very similar to this over a year ago....it would MAKE the 80%+ of gun buyers, and purchasers pay their way.

I for one, like most of you, am tired of spending 10x's what I should supporting the NRA, GOA, NRA-ILA, etc..........because the other 80%+ do nada, zilch.....

Here's the idea, and no way it would NOT work.........

The NRA, GOA, CCRBKA, JFPO, whomever....all call a meeting with the GUN manufacturer's.......

Have a deal set up, where the mfgr's, ADD the cost of a yearly membership to the price of each weapon built.

Include a card for a FREE membership, (IF the purchaser wants to join), in the box with the weapon.

This would do two major things, One, if they used the card and joined our ranks swell exponentially.......which is great..political clout.

Two, they choose not to "JOIN", then they have helped US, and themselves without even knowing it.

The monies not used for memberships, pool and are used for big time attacks, media blitzes, whatever needs to be done.

Couple all this money, with what WE are already donating.....and we become Truly a formidable political machine..........

It is so simple, it's assinine........

How about your feelings on this??...........

NRA, was so impressed, they didn't acknowledge the idea............
I don't think there are 80,000,000 gun owners. I think there are 80,000,000 guns. That means that 4,000,000 NRA members own about 20 guns each. That also means that the NRA members and the GOA and the second amendment people have been sending out their 100 dollars or so contributions every year while the guys with the gun in the sock drawer vote the way their unions and the media tell them to. It's all about votes and getting the anti's out of office. It's not about sending money anyplace. It's all about the lock-stepping sheep being told by the media and the unions how to vote. We have to tell our unions that I don't want my money going to the democratic party and if I live in a closed shop state I want a reduction in my union dues as per Beck VS. Communication workers. We have to tell the AARP I'm not joining until they stop being Anti-gun. To tell the truth I wish every NRA, GOA, SAS or SAF member could get a discount on all their purchases, not for me but so the "sock in the types" had to pay more.

that has possibilities. Let me ponder this some... got to work out the negs. One thing for sure - if S25 or anything like gets passed I'll bet the gun buying will slow down.
Bookkie-Are you trying to say that for all the money I give to the NRA, the manufacturers are going to make me spend more? No thanks. I will round-up every chance I get but my money goes straight to the NRA. It was easier for me to become a life member and then a Endowment member so I wouldn't have to pay for the dues. Now I can just donate. My money goes to the NRA and my time goes to the Republican Party and until the Democrats are the weak third party I won't vote for a Libertarian.