An idea that would WORK...already given to.......
The NRA..........I E mailed a proposition for something very similar to this over a year would MAKE the 80%+ of gun buyers, and purchasers pay their way.
I for one, like most of you, am tired of spending 10x's what I should supporting the NRA, GOA, NRA-ILA, etc..........because the other 80%+ do nada, zilch.....
Here's the idea, and no way it would NOT work.........
The NRA, GOA, CCRBKA, JFPO, whomever....all call a meeting with the GUN manufacturer's.......
Have a deal set up, where the mfgr's, ADD the cost of a yearly membership to the price of each weapon built.
Include a card for a FREE membership, (IF the purchaser wants to join), in the box with the weapon.
This would do two major things, One, if they used the card and joined our ranks swell exponentially.......which is great..political clout.
Two, they choose not to "JOIN", then they have helped US, and themselves without even knowing it.
The monies not used for memberships, pool and are used for big time attacks, media blitzes, whatever needs to be done.
Couple all this money, with what WE are already donating.....and we become Truly a formidable political machine..........
It is so simple, it's assinine........
How about your feelings on this??...........
NRA, was so impressed, they didn't acknowledge the idea............