7mm Mag?

Billy Boy

I realize this is a open and vague question, but what would you recommend to purchase in a bolt action in this caliber? Make, model, features, anything you would suggest? Thanks in advance.
Billy Boy, Most everyone here know that I am
a vague and open person so I will try to help you out. First I must ask if my assumtion of your talking about a 7MM Winchester mag is correct? You can go from the 280 Rem which is not a belted mag. to 7MM STW and not see that great a difference as far as plinking at 200 yds goes. I have seven rifles in 7MM, sorry none is in 7MM Win Mag. I don't know how that happened and I will need to take care of the problem.
Now, in answer to your question. I would look at the Remington 700 either ADL or BDL and the Ruger 77.
If you would care to be a bit more specific there are quite a few folks here that can get you going in the right direction.
Take care, HankL
I assume you're talking about the 7mm Rem. Mag?

Anyway, it's an excellent cartridge, especially if you handload. It does have a bit of thump at both ends, so loading down makes casual shooting a lot more fun.

It works best with a 24" or even a 26" barrel. Most any of the mid-range of pricing in rifles will do just fine. You might compare ease of trigger adjustment, and give thought to rebedding whatever you buy...

How much background in shooting do you have? Or doing any of your own tweaking-style gunsmithing (not heavy-duty; just the casual fixings) on your stuff?

Give us something to work with...

Later, Art
Thanks for the replies fellas. See, I was vague and got two different opinions :-). The cartridge I was thinking of was the 7mm Rem. Mag.. I have been shooting for about 30 years now. Somehow, the 7mm has eluded me. I have done some basic tweaking on my firearms(triggers, refinishing, etc.) but never rebedded. I figured a upcoming hunting trip out west is a good excuse to use with my wife for a new purchase. I already got the "why can't you use one of the other guns in the safe?" question. I had thought about a Weatherby also, but wondered if I would get my moneys worth. Thanks again.
I'd take the 7mm Rem over the Wby.

I'm prone to buy somebody else's mistake and fix it...I've owned some new guns, but they didn't shoot any better than "good used".

I've never rebedded the action-part of a stock. I free float the forearm to within about an inch of the front end. That part, I barely get it free between the steel and wood. Then I shim with kitchen wax paper, just thick enough in layers that a slight pull is needed to insert the shim. Trim with razor. It acts like a shock absorber on a car. Tightens groups incredibly well. Cheap.

They make little nylon insert dealies to do the same thing.

I had to do the same trick with my Weatherby Mk V, #2 profile 26" barrel in .30-'06 to make it shoot better than its original 6" groups. The bedding plus a Canjar trigger allows me to get the occasional 1/2" group.

I've always foundd that any rifle of decent manufacture, with a clean bore, with my tweaking and a "real" trigger, will shoot inside an inch.

I love mine in Remington ADL Synthetic. I have to cross thick brushy areas to get to fields I hunt over. Since there are so many briars I use the gun as a shield. This is better than scratching up a good looking gun. It's my understanding an ADL and BDL are the same except for the floorplate, and the bells and whistles that come with the bdl, ie pretier furniture and finish.
A 24" is just about standar5d on barrel length. If you find one shorter pass on it. The extra length is needed to burn the charge and give a descent velosity. I am speaking of the 7mm Remington magnum. In my oppinion the WTHBY is a big chunck of change without much improvement. You are looking at just a little over a 100 fps gain for the money.
Art & Billy Boy, I would take something in
7MM STW over the 7MM Win Mag. "I have none" and the 7MM Whby. "I have 2".
Why? Because you can burn more powder at at time in the STW! Also because the STW is only a few fps faster than the Whby which is only a few fps faster than the Rem which is only a bit slower than "My" 7x61 Sharpe & Hart. In the real world just forget about the S&H. A properly worked up .280 Rem will get you pretty close if you are reloading.
I agree that getting a used but not abused firearm is usually a good bet. Do a little tinkering and have some fun! If you want to try your hand at bedding just drop me an email as it's not a dark secret "in most cases"
Good Shooting!
I forgot to mention that I have 1 Rem. 700
Sendero in 7MM STW "Not For Sale" but you might be able to find one used or gathering
dust in a shop! Bunch of hype on this cal. proved not to be what it was. It's a fair jump from the 7MM Rem past the Whby. without having to pay for the Whby. Don't get me wrong, it's a good cal. but not a lazer wep! Also there seem to be plenty of store bought rounds available
for purchase.

[This message has been edited by HankL (edited October 14, 1999).]