7mm mag ammo for bear


New member
Tried doing a search, but typing in the word "ammo" into the search engine is asking for trouble. :( I ma going bear hunting for the first time and since I don't have a high powreed rifle, I am borrowing my step father's and have no idea what ammo to use for bear. The Black bear in Pa are anywhere from 350-600lbs+, so I guess I am looking for a heavy bullet with lots of energy?

Can anyone help me?

Get two boxes of 175 grain ammo - not sure what's out there these days, but any of the premium grades should do OK. Use one box to check the rifles zero and practice. Be aware that when you switch ammo, your rifle/scope is not zero'ed for that load. You have to check. :)
Thanks. My father told me he uses Core Lokt ammo. Never heard of it, so I dunno if it's any good. If it's atleast 175g, I would like to use it, that way I don't have to mess with his scope.
Things you probably already know: For zeroing a rifle for a load, shoot three-shot groups and then adjust the imaginary center of the group. For the probable distances you'd shoot, sighting in for one inch high at 100 yards--at most, two inches high--gives you a practical "point it and pull" range of around 200 to 250 yards.

Most any 160-grain or 175-grain bullet oughta work, although I'd go along with "heavier is better" on that Bigger Bear. :)

Thanks Art, that does help. It has been a while since I had to sight in a rifle, so it's a good reminder for me.