7mm-08 round for whitetail


New member
I just read the thread on .270 ammo and thought I would post one on a similar line. I just got a Model 7 in this cal. and wondered what was a good round?
first, let me say that i am a little jealous...i'd really like a model 7 in 7-08...

for factory ammo, i like hornady's line-up. federal classic (silver and blue box) seems to work fairly well, as well.
I'm planning on using my 7mm08 on mule deer, as a walking-hunting critter. I figure I'll probably limit myself to around 200 yards, though. If I could be real sure about shot placement, I wouldn't be afraid to use it to 300, particularly on whitetails...

After studying the Speer reloading manual, factory ballistic tables from various ammo manufacturers, and recoil charts, I just bought the 700 ADL Synthetic Youth in 7mm-08 for my son to use as his first high powered rifle. It has 1.5" more barrel length than the Model 7. While factory loadings are somewhat limited, it is a very versatile round that can be loaded up and down quite a bit with numerous 7mm bullet weights. I think factory 140 grain Core-Lokt's (see other thread) or Federal Classic would be perfect for whitetails. After I bought it, the proprietor of the store said that the Model 7 in 7mm-08 was his deer (mule) and elk rifle. He said that some relative used the same model/caliber to get her moose this year. I think it's light for moose, but with 160 grain premium bullets, it could be loaded to take elk, with good shot placement out to 300.
.260 load for deer

I'm going to ask another question here, sorry to say. My current planned hunting load for my .260 (700 Mountain Rifle; it is a SA Remington also) is a 125gr Nosler Partition being kicked out by 44gr of H4350. Reasonably accurate and a good bullet. I am wondering if this might be too much bullet for my task though. I will be hunting whitetails, which can go between 150 and 200 lbs around here (average closer to 200 for a decent buck, probably about 180 lbs). Plus, any and all shots will be measured in amount of powder burn left on the hide, or in tens of paces. Am I using too much bullet for the task? Having no experience with this round in the field, I am curious. Sorry for attempting to hijack this thread.

Oh, in the 7mm-08, I would probably take a round like a 140gr Ballistic Tip or 139gr Hornady. Just based on field reports, not personal experience. But they should do the job on whitetails and muleys. As for anything larger, I can't say. My gut feeling is to say a bigger round would be better, but I know that is not true. Just use a heavier bullet?
The 7mm-08 is an outstanding whitetail round, and my father has taken countless numbers of deer over the past 7-10 years. We currently have two of the Model 7's and one 700 Titanium in 7mm-08, and we love them all. The only load we shoot is the Federal Premium 140 gr Nosler Partition. I'm not sure how the round handles larger game, but it is one of the best rounds available for whitetail.
The '06 will launch a 150-grain bullet at around 2,800 from a 22" barrel.

The 7mm08 will launch a 140-grain bullet at around 2,700 from an 18-1/2" barrel, sez Mr. Hodgdon.

Ten grains of bullet weight and 100 ft/sec just ain't such a much.

I've killed a couple of pretty good whitetails at 350 and 450 yards with my '06; my father killed one out by Rocksprings that field-dressed 200 pounds. All with the 150-grain '06.

In other words, the 7mm08 oughta do just fine, thank you. For equal barrel lengths, it's about like a 7x57, which has been killing stuff for over a hundred years or so...

P-990, that .260 load oughta do just fine. It's two grains below max, per Mr. Speer. For your parameters of range and the particular bullet, think "food".

:), Art
Mr Eatman,

That's what I was figuring. I know it is below max, but it shoots well and I KNOW that I don't need every once of horsepower I can get. For that I have 140gr GameKings backed by 41gr of H4350 (about 1 gr below max per Hodgdon). This load produces sub-MOA groups so consistently it is boring!

Regarding the 7mm-08, for me it was a toss-up between an LSS Mountain Rifle so chambered and a standard walnut and blued steel model in .260. Obivously the walnut and blued one followed me home! Both calibers are superb in my opinion, with the 7mm having an edge in availability. At least most of the loads produced for both are topped with excellent hunting bullets. Good luck with your Model 7 Fian!
I have to admit I've never shot a 7mm-08, but it's one of those rounds I've never heard anything bad about, and the people who own them seem to swear by them. It's on my very short list of rifles to buy.
Partitions are GOOD

THe 7/08 is a great deer, whitetail or otherwise. We have a spare around the gunsafe, and Dad and I have been using it a bit on Whitetails and wildhogs. Great results. We use the 140 gr Nosler Partitions[with Federal's Premium load with this great bullet, I don't bother to reload this round] with great effect. The 7/08 has plenty of striking power at distances greater than most folks need to be attempting big game @......

My father is a nut for an old Pre-64 M70 in .264 win mag. I do all his reloading, and we have settled for the last 8-9 years on the 125 gr nosler partition for that particular gun. Of course its zipping out at alot higher speed that it will out of a 260 Rem, but the bullet has performed great, even at extended ranges. Here in South Carolina, we have a VERY long deer season[Aug 15th to Jan 1], and no limit, so we put alot of deer in freezers. Dad, being "semi retired", usually uses his fav. .264 on 10-15 whitetails per year....and the results of that bullet, 125 gr Nosler Partition, has been fantastic. The bullet ALWAYS expands, even at long range[lower striking speed], and it ALWAYS holds together. Out of all the deer that it has taken, I have only recover 2-3 bullets.......one was out of a Red Stag in Scotland. On that hunt, Dad took 3 Stag, then loaned his rifle out to the rest of the hunters there after the Estate's loaner rifle went on the Fritz. The .264 with 125 gr Partitions took 6 more Stag that week.

Yeah, we are sold on .260 cal/6.5mm 125 grain Partitions
I just wanted to say thanks for all the replies. With less than a month to go before the season starts, I am getting pretty excited. Unfortunately, most stores around me don't have much of a selection in this cal., so I will have to order it through the mail.

I am leaning towards the Federal Premium. I have used this in the past in .270 and liked the accuracy.

BTW, many consider this round ideal for beginners, women, and children. After firing several dozen rounds I wouldn't consider the recoil mild. In fact, I alternated between the 7-08 and .30-06 and couldn't feel much of a difference.
Fian, could it be that maybe the stock doesn't fit you properly? I groaned and spent the money for a Remington 700 Titanium for my 7mm08; fully dressed it's 6-1/4 pounds. From the benchrest, the recoil is sorta "there", but not enough to bother me.

My only "shot fired in anger" was on a feral dog, which is not really exciting. Recoil was not at all noticeable.
