7 State Road-Trip


Hi guys, I'm new to the forum. I've been looking around online to see what regulations I'm going to be facing on my next road-trip. The big concern is that I'm on a motorcycle with soft non-lockable saddlebags. I currently have my CCW in Oregon and I am riding through NV, UT, WY, CO, AZ, and CA. So far I've found out that my CCW is good in AZ and UT, I guess NV I can open carry which I would rather not do.
Any ideas or suggestions on how I can find more info?
I'd like to have my handgun loaded and accessible while camping.
If I keep it unloaded and locked in a case in my saddlebag I'll have to take it out and with me every time I go to a restaurant or rest area or whatever because I can't lock my saddlebags. Seems like a real pain in the ass.
Any help would be appreciated.
The only one I'm not sure about is California, I hear they are picky. When I take road trips on my Sporty I carry my 642 in my pocket just like I do all the time. Never thought of leaving it with the bike. I also have soft saddle bags but it wouldnt matter. My pocket works fine.

Last year I took my granddaughter to Portland on my bike, I'm over protective so there is no way in heck I'm gonna be seperated from my pocket pistol while traveling with her.

I did run into a dude in Hardin MT who thought he was in love with my GD, she looks older (could pass for 18) but she's 14, (he was about 40 and looked about that long since he bathed) we had words, I informed him if he didnt back off things were gonna get real "Western" real fast.

I dont think that insident came close to needing a gun, but when she's with me I wont take chances.

Like I said, just put the pistol in your pocket and forget it in most of the states you mentioned, California is differant, I dont seen any reason for me to visit that place.
Thanks guys, that pack-n-go site is pretty helpful. AZ and UT are good, the rest are open carry, CA is rural open carry. I'll have to look into that some more... or just keep it concealed the whole trip.
Is there any lockable storage on the bike at all, perhaps below the seat? I know you probably wouldn't be able to fit it there with it in its case, but if you're just looking for a secure place to put it to avoid carrying illegally during a stop, it's a thought.
Other firearm law sources...

I'd snag a copy of the 2010 ed of Traveller Guide To Gun Laws by Scott Kappas Esq; www.armedguide.com .

www.Handgunlaws.us is filled with US laws websites & state SOPs.

ps; Please join the NRA too, they help support your gun & 2A rights. If you are a NRA member, stay safe & have a fun trip! :)

Nice site but not up to date by a long shot. :rolleyes:

States UT permits are still honored by NM…Not true. Ok, that is pretty recent, about a month ago. However, site states KS does not recognize FL non-resident permits….not true. That changed on July 1, 2009; KS recognizes any non-resident permit for any state they recognize and they recognize FL. That’s just two states I looked at with two different permits that my girlfriend has.

Best source of information is the states websites on concealed or open carry of a handgun. Usually, it is the state police or the attorney general.