7.62x54R Hunting ammo

44 AMP

I'm looking for people with field experience using 7.62x54R Hunting ammo. What brand(s) how well it performed (accuracy, penetration, etc.)

I know each rifle is an individual, what I'm asking is what you use, what works, and doesn't for you.

I bought a set of Lee dies. I then got some Remington "303 caliber" 180 grain bullets.
I used the heavy AP rounds to start with, and I pullet the bullet on them. I then replaced those bullets with the Remingtons.

I and 3 friends used them for deer and antelope. One of the tried to get an elk with them too, but was unsuccessful. But so far we have killed 2 antelope and 4 deer and they worked great.
Purchased some IGMAN 180gr SP out of Austria. I shot 4 deer with it. They all died.

Seemed to expand quite a bit, knocking fist sized holes in the hide as it exited.

I load for x54r, and do not shoot factory ammo in any quantity. I did purchase some Privi ammo (150 gr SP's) basically for the brass, but shot some groups just to see......they did not group well at all in my PSL.

As your likely aware, the x54r is basically a '06/.308 class round....a .30 cal slug at 2600-2800 fps. Combine those numbers with quality factory ammo, and you will get same results on target. I'd stay domestic myself, but the Norma/Lapua and other big name import ammo should be fine too, if you can afford it.
Thanks for the info so far!

A little more background... shooter is 18yr old son of friend's coworker. Has a Mosin carbine (not certain which yet, probably M38 from the description).

Looking for info about common FACTORY hunting ammo, something that works well, ought to be accurate, etc. Cheaper is worth noting.

"something" Bear ammo was mentioned, but all I know is there is more than one kind of that.

Priv 150s didn't shoot well in your gun? That's worth noting. (what's a PSL??)

Igman 180s blew big holes, worth noting.

Thanks so far!

The lad isn't into handloading, yet, though that may change down the road a bit.
I used 150 grain Privi soft points 2 years ago on a decent sized buck. Entered quartering away on through the right ribs, made it across to the left ribs. No real exit wound to speak of. The bullet came a part, found the jacket under the hide on the left side. Did it's job though, one shot ran 40 yards and piled up. I don't think I'd use it on any heavier skinned game but for the white tails here it worked well. If I was going to use it again I think I'd load some with Speer 150 grain bullets. It seemed to be accurate enough when I used them at the range at 100 yards, a couple in high sighted in. Most our shots are under 200 yards so I can't comment on the long range accuracy of them.
Sorry forgot to add, I wass shooting them out of a bubba'd Mosin, cut down barrel, ATI stock with a Timney trigger installed.
He'll have to try a box of as many brands as he can to find the ammo his rifle/carbine shoots best.
You know if he's ever fired it? Assuming it is a carbine. Muzzle blast is astounding.
44 Amp, Mosins can be all over the map. This info may not be useful, but I've never found a Mosin that did well on paper, however if you are actually shooting at something, you will hit it. Just my personal experience.

My brother has a 1942 or 44 M38 carbine; it's counter bored and shoots 6" groups at 100 yards as a rule.... With the cartridges he reloads for it he has brought that down to 3" or so.

Like I said, Mosins can be all over the map in terms of use, build quality, etc. He might find some factory ammunition that gives consistent results, or maybe he wont. For what it's worth, I use Privi Partisian in my surplus Mausers (8mm.) I believe Winchester makes 7.62X54r and my brother has gotten decent results from it through one of his 91/30's
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Preface: I've never managed to plug an animal with one of these loads (or even handloads); but I've done a lot of wet-pack and clay testing.

If I were recommending ammo for someone else (especially a non-reloader), it would be the steel-cased Hornady 150 gr SST load. Unfortunately, it's a "Cabela's Exclusive"; so there may be availability issues in some parts of the country.

Second would be the PPU 150 gr. It's good quality and comes with good brass, but is stuffed with a marginal bullet.

Wolf, S&B, Hot Shots, and various other repackaged imports didn't do well at all in my M38 or my brother's M44.
I have never tried either, but I'd include Herter's and Winchester 'Metric' in the "no-go" category, too. It's repackaged S&B.
I took a 100 lb eating boar last year with my Mosin-Nagant M44 carbine and 203 grain soft-tip Silver Bear ammo.

Hit him at about 50 yards right in the neck. He spun around and fell right there, twitched once or twice, and that was the end of 'ol boary.

Upon the skinning and gutting, quite a bit of damage to his neck. Blood everywhere and tore up his spinal column. Exit wound was pretty decent. All in all I think it was a good load and it did the job nicely.
I don't have experience with the 7.62X54, but have a buddy who uses one to hunt pigs in CA quite a bit and he uses handloads with a Barnes .311 150 grain bullet at nearly 2800 fps. If I were you I'd tell them to look at the 150 grain PPU ammunition to try first. It's probably the most affordable they can buy.