7.62*39 or 7.62*51(.308)

Vince. The 7.62x39 is in the power range of the 30-30 Win. The 7.62x51 .(308 Win.) runs about 100 fps less than the 30-06. The 7.62x51 wins hands down in my book.
Paul B.
7.62x51 is great in full-sized (read: heavy and big) battle rifles out to furthur than you can see. I have an FAL and muzzle climb becomes an issue in rapid fire.

7.62x39 is great in light carbines out to about 300yrds. Muzzle climb is rarely an issue. Within it's limits, it can be accurate for practical purposes.

Check this out: http://www.norma.cc/htm_files/framp1e.htm

It's a ballistics chart program from Norma. Click on "Ballistics," wait for 5 mins as it downloads and have at it. The 7.62 Russian that they list is probably 7.62x54 not 7.62x39.

[This message has been edited by Destructo6 (edited July 01, 1999).]
A bullet's kinetic energy is a function of its velocity. The formula is K.E. = 1/2 m times v-square (I dunno how to do superscripts.) m is mass (in Poundals; a Poundal is the weight in pounds divided by the acceleration of gravity, or 32.16), v is velocity in feet per second.

Anyway, to compare any two cartridges, take the ratio of the square of the velocities; and the ratio of the bullet weights, and you get an energy comparison.

So: The typical AK bullet is 139 grains. The typical .308 bullet is 150.

The muzzle velocity of an AK is around 2,300 ft/sec. For a .308, around 2,800 ft/sec.

Divide 150 by 139 and hold that number. Drop the zeros, and multiply 28 by itself and divide it by 23 multiplied by itself.

Thus, 150/139 = 1.079. 28x28/23x23 = 1.482.

1.079 x 1.482 = 1.599. So the .308 has 60% more muzzle energy than an AK.

In the future, the math will be left as an exercise for the student...
See? See? All you guys with kids, when the little #$%^@ ask you what's the point of paying attention in school, you can tell them that the resident Old Fart ain't gonna be here forever.

[One day in math class at our local school, a couple of smart-mouths asked why was math important? They didn't care about school, they were gonna smuggle drugs and make a ton of money. The teacher laughed in their faces, saying he'd love to deal with them, since their not knowing math would make it easy to shaft them in the billfold. Funniest thing, about whose grades went up...]