686 + price and opinions


New member
Fellow Shooters,

I have the opportunity to be a used, but in excellent condition Mod 686 + 4" barrel for $300.00. I know the guy pretty good and know he's not an avid shooter. More than likely the weapon has never seen more than two boxes of ammo through it.

It's been several years since I've priced 686's and the last time I owned one was back in 89 when I had a 6" barrel version. Going to my local dealer for a price check is a joke. He wants $700 for Glock 30's, $300 for Keltec 32's, $800 for HK's and the last revolver I looked at..a Taurus was going for $450. Needless to say, I can't use him for a good pricing source. Recently I had to sell my G36 for financial reasons and he offered me $300 on a TRADE. Not cash mind you...but on a TRADE! All the while I saw he had a used G36 for $639.00 in his case...ok..sorry about the ranting..but you can see why I dislike going there.

Back to the topic.....

Is this a good price for this particular model?

And what are the pros and cons of this revolver.

I need a good carry gun with a bit more power than my Mak for the time being until I can get a G30 someday. Hopefully when we get that money from the Govt...and yep..I'm still holding my breath on that one.

Good Shooting
I had a 686.
It was perfect for shooting.
Way to big to carry concealed.
I got it from a Gunsmith who had it some time and only shot it a few. He had put in a Trapp spring kit. That was the best trigger pull, single action, I ever felt.

Why did I sell it?
It was too big I thought.
I wish I still had it.

If I still had it, I would take the points off the hatch marks on the top of the hammer spur.

All the 357 mags I have now seem like I am destroying them with full house loads. The 686 could take the heavy loads and then some.
I must remember..spell check...proof read..spell check..proof read...

But why bother...I neber mak mistaks!

ohhh..and to clear it up...BUY a used 686+ :D

Good Shooting

Try a Ruger SP-101. It definitely feels solid even with hot .357's.


I knew what you meant, I was just having fun wit' you. :D

Redlg155, I have a 1990-vintage 6" 686. While I seem to have gotten into the "buy a lot, shoot a little" habit with my guns & hardly ever shoot my 686, I can't seem to part with it. I've come real close to selling it a couple of times, but always chicken out. It is one of the nicest shooting handguns that I have - accurate, with a really nice trigger.

Since I won't buy a new S&W unless the agreement is repealed, knowing that I would have to find a used one to replace it kinda tips the scales to keeping it. However, if I had to do it again I would buy a 4".

If it's clean, $300 is not a bad price at all. I have been offered $280 for mine by a retailer; you know he would have it up for sale at $335 to $350 if not higher.
can't address the 686+, but

I just purchased a NIB 686-5 (6-shot) with a 6"
barrel. This weapon is a joy to shoot and it is
highly accurate, with the standard sight's. Price
out the door was $439.95 + 8% sales tax.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
Hopefully I'll get a chance to inspect the weapon this Tuesday.

My only complaint about my previous 686 was "flame cutting" on the topstrap from the cylinder gap. I was told that yes, you will see some, but that it is self limiting. Either way..it worried me a bit because of the relatively thin topstraps of the Smiths.

Good Shooting
Hey Red,

Yes, I think that some flame cutting of the top
strap is considered normal wear. I personally
have shot the .357, .41, and .44 Magnums for
many year's; I can't ever recall cutting the
top strap completely?:D Of course, lot's of
those load's were "roll-your-own", and kind'a
on the mild side.:) I haven't had this new 686-5
long enough to detect any flame cutting.

I examined a 686+ when I bought this one, but just
couldn't get use to a 7-shot revolver. Guess I'm
just too damn old fashioned?

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
I have 3 586/686 smiths. Don't worry about the flame cutting. It will stop after a while and the 686 is plenty strong in the top strap department. I think the 686 4 inch is way too big to carry, however. Some of the hard core people will suck it up and carry it. I know one member who carries his 5 inch, 8 shoot in an N frame! Now that's hard core! If you ultimately want a G30 I would wait. Like I said, I think the 686 is too heavy and big to carry on a daily basis, and I love revolvers.

If you're looking for a concealed carry .357, the ONLY choice is a Ruger SP-101 with the 3 & 1/16" tube! :D

R6 <~Ducking the .357 reloading dies being thrown by fans of other .357's for concealed carry. :D
My recommendation is: BUY IT

If it's 'little used', as you surmised, then that is a nice deal.:) I cannot recall seeing a used 686 for less than $325, PLUS tax of course, at a gunshow. With a solid pancake holster, or better yet-an IWB, the weight shouldn't be too uncomfortable. It sure will help to dampen the recoil of today's potent 125gr. JHPs.:D

As to longevity, I think Weshoot2's 'Redhawk-ONLY' loads would be the only ones that could hurt it. Meaning: Don't worry about it.
S&W 686

Red, For that price I don't think you can go wrong. I purchased a used LNIB 686 2 1/2 for $325. I love it. It's a great shooting handgun and wouldn't part with it now that I have it.
I hadn't fired any .357 revolvers in a long time and this one just elated the crap out of me.
So if the deal is still there "Go For It" I'm sure you won't be sorry you did;)