686 Plus Trigger Won't Reset


New member
Hi so I have a brand new, unfired 686 plus 3" 3-5-7 edition and I'm having some trouble and don't know what to do.

I noticed it today when I got home and was able to dry fire it that the trigger seemed to get really gritty towards the end of travel in double action. Didn't think much of it but noticed a lot of hesitation when releasing it. Then when I tried to dry fire it in single action the hammer would fall but the trigger wouldn't go forward. It happens every 7th or 6th time around, and you can feel it is slightly harder to cock before this happens.

I don't know what to do. I just bought it today, and I am considering taking it back and getting my money back or exchanging it for another one.

Do you think I should take the side plate off and try to clean it on the inside?

How would I go about cleaning it? If so, do I even let oil in there?

I just don't know anything about the guts of a 686, and would hate to screw something up or show up at the shop and not be able to replicate the problem.
Take the gun back where you bought it and let them have a look at it.
It sounds like there is a metal shaving or something clogging it up.
+1 what Bill said. Sometimes there's not a lot of clearance between the side plate and the hammer or trigger. Sometimes you can see wear on the sides of the hammer or trigger to see where it's dragging. But, with one that's brand new, I'd let S&W have a look at it again. It's not a huge deal to remove the side plate and do some careful stoning, but since you asked- I kind of feel that maybe having the experience to go in there with the right stones isn't a thing you regularly do.
It's not a huge deal to remove the side plate and do some careful stoning, but since you asked- I kind of feel that maybe having the experience to go in there with the right stones isn't a thing you regularly do.

It sure IS a big deal if you do not know what you are doing; that's a great way to bugger up the screws. Too many use the wrong screwdriver and then try to pry the sideplate off.

Take it back to the store or call S&W if the store won't help.
Call S&W Service Dept. If it's not right they'll make it right. On their dime. They'll send you a FEDEX shipping label, if as you say, you bought it new. Going back to the gunshop where you bought it is just adding a middle man to the eventual fix. If you pull it apart and try to fix it yourself, you run the risk of voiding the warranty. Send it back, they'll fix it and probably do an action job on the interior parts...well worth the wait.
Any gun dealer with a modicum of mechanical ability should be able to at least diagnose the problem. Sending a gun back to a manufacturer is a pain in the arse-especially when all it may need is a little cleaning.
I'm really surprised some people don't send their guns in to have spent cartridges removed.
No wonder gun prices are so high!
Thanks for all the responses guys, I ended up calling S&W and they told me not to take the gun apart and are sending me a shipping label. Sucks when it happens to a new gun but beggars can't be choosers.